Why is it so difficult for some people to just sit down, shut up, do their job, and go home?!

Question: Why is it so difficult for some people to just sit down, shut up, do their job, and go home.?
I don't understand why some people feel the need to fill every waking moment of their day with self-imposed drama and struggle.. Before walking 20 steps to get a box of paper clips from the supply cabinet, they think it is necessary to call 17 people, send a couple dozen IMs, and write 15 e-mails to "dish" about the struggle to get more paper clips.. Then they take a two-hour lunch, and somehow find the courage to find some file folders in the afternoon..

What is it with people who think that EVERY LITTLE THING requires drama.? Are they lazy.? Insecure.? Just plain dumb.?Health Question & Answer

People like this just want to be the center of attention.. Your best defense is to ignore them.. If everyone would ignore theses behaviors then they would stop because they are not being rewarded..Health Question & Answer

That is soooo funny.... I have been having trouble sleeping thinking about this very thing.. I agree.... if people don't like their jobs I say find a new one...... gosh......

I LOVE MY JOB.... with a passion.... But my co-workers are sooo negative it drives me crazy...... This is a real challenge for me because I am trying so hard to bring positive success in what we do.. One of them doesn't even understand what supplier diversity is and gets sooo mad when vendors call to inquire about business...... I look at her sometimes and think why the He$$ are you here.... Thats what your job is to take these calls and find a buyer for them or let them know we don't need there service.. Is it so hard to do that........

Whoooaaaa...... Sorry.... got carried away there.. Okay I am done complaining.... But I agree......

I wish everyone would read "A New Earth" It is my Favorite book and if they are smart they would learn something from it.... Of course it took me 2 times over to understand it myself.... LOL.... But I got it....

I Love my job and am loyal to my job...... Hey we all should be we get a paycheck don't we..

Wink....Health Question & Answer

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