What would happen if I did this???!

Question: What would happen if I did this.?.?.?
What would happen if I took 1600mg of diphenhydramine.? That would be equal to 32 sleeping pills at 50mg a piece.... Would I get a good night sleep.? I am really tired and have bad insomnia.. Health Question & Answer

OMG...... please do NOT take that medication! If you took 1600mg of diphenhydramine, your heart would stop! Please read carefully below for alternatives:

DOSING: Diphenhydramine has its maximal effect about one hour after it is taken.. When used to combat insomnia, it is prescribed at bedtime.. Doses vary depending on formulation.. A common regimen for treating adults is 25-50 mg, every 4-6 hours - NOT TO EXCEED 300 mg daily..

Avoid substances such as:
Caffeine, tobacco, and other stimulants taken too close to bedtime (effects of caffeine can take as long as 8 hours to wear off)..
Certain over-the-counter and prescription medicines that can disrupt sleep (for example, some cold and allergy medicines - (diphenhydramine.?)..
An alcoholic drink before bedtime may make it easier for you to fall asleep.. But alcohol triggers sleep that tends to be lighter than normal and makes it more likely that you will wake up during the night..

Good bedtime habits include:
Following a routine that helps you wind down and relax before bed, such as reading a book, listening to soothing music, or taking a hot bath..
Not exercising, eating heavy meals, or drinking a lot shortly before bedtime..
Making your bedroom sleep-friendly.. Avoid bright lighting and minimize possible sleep distractions, such as a TV, computer, or pet..
Going to sleep around the same time each night and waking up around the same time each morning, even on weekends.. If possible, avoid night shifts or alternating schedules at work and other causes of irregular sleep schedules..

Please...... try the alternatives.. I hope that you seriously consider them and do NOT take the large dose of pills.. I will pray for you...... may God bless and protect you.. Health Question & Answer

500 mgs of diphenhydramine is the lethal dosage in rats, usually the lethal dosage in humans in comparison to the lethal dosage in rats is far less- so you would most likely die.. Not to mention diphenhydramine is often put together in a pill with other medication (acetaminophen, etc) and high dosages of those types of medications can certainly be just as lethal.. I have insomnia, but what has worked best OTC for me is tylenol PM..Health Question & Answer

One 50mg tablet is all you should take.. If you take more than this amount, you could suffer from a range of bad effects, from stomach pains, to seizures, to coma.. If you have been taking these pills for a while they will not be working as well as they did before.. Go see you dr, he may prescribe you something better.. Health Question & Answer

I often can't sleep, it seems to be worse if I'm drinking caffene or junk food.. I usually just wait it out, acting like drunken fool.. I just wait acting crazy until I get tired enough to fall asleep.. Or i take a dose of niquil with alchohol if it goes on more than a week or so..Health Question & Answer

yeah you would get a great night of sleep! might never wake up though......

don't do it dude, not worth itHealth Question & Answer

i think you would die..Health Question & Answer

I don't know for sure - but it is an overdose that could be fatalHealth Question & Answer

What really worked for me was to have a crying spell, afterwards I slept like a babyHealth Question & Answer

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