Is this negative thinking because of my anxiety?!

Question: Is this negative thinking because of my anxiety.?
So i've been up at college for the first time for like last 3 weeks and ever since ive been here i have been having some anxiety and stress which i think is from me being homesick (which ive never had before i can remember right) also ive been having a lot of negative thoughts such as "am i going crazy" (but that one went away) but now its like "i thinkI'mm dreaming" and this one is the latest.. i would get the thought "what if at some point i died and this is an after life" but i keep telling myself that i know thatI'mm alive and its just stupid thoughts.. also its not that i am constantly thinking about it, but that it randomly pops in my head, but like alot.. i am wondering if it is from my anxiety that i am thinking like this and if it will go away, or if there is a more serious problem going on.. If its just my anxiety stepping in, i was wondering if theres ways to get rid of negative thinkingHealth Question & Answer

I wouldn't want to say "Yes, it's definitely anxiety" and then it turns out to be something worse, but I will say that it sounds like anxiety.. You're asking a lot of "what if" questions that can't really be answered (e..g.. "What if I died and this and that happened," and "What if I'm going crazy.?").. You're not going crazy, you're just under a lot of stress.. If you get a thought that bothers you, picture a stop sign.. Every time it pops up, see the stop sign and refuse to go any deeper into thinking about it.. Right after the stop sign technique, focus on something else and repeat it if the thoughts come back.. Health Question & Answer

I'm JUST like you!! I sometimes find myself asking these weird Trippy questions.. I am also in college.... and it's stressful.. I have anxiety too, and it's tough to deal with.. You're not crazy though, it's stress.. Stress is the number one component for a shitty life, and unhappy feelings about stuff.. You need an outlet.. Make new friends.. Live life the way its suppose to be lived.. I know it's easier said than done, and I should take my own advice, but I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to.. I'm going through the same thing!! Best of luck!!Health Question & Answer

I think so.. In the cave man days we evolved with a reaction called Fear & Flight (I think that's what it's called) So if in danger the anxiety or bad adrenaline would kick in to make us run faster.. Some of us still have that in our head (we're special!) So if we get a bit of anxiety we panic a bit and want to run.. The dreaming thing, sounds like it's a thing called.. disassociation.. It's when u r uncomfortable with your surroundings you dissociate with them.. You feel like you are out of your body.. Child abuse victims do it so they can block out some of the abuse, they find another place, sort of like "Sybil" in the famous movie.. Hope this makes sense & Helps.. Your ok it's just mind over matter which is harder than it sounds.. Good Luck..Health Question & Answer

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