Was my weed laced or was it just a body high?!

Question: Was my weed laced or was it just a body high.?
Over the summer i went to a music festival and i was front row for a band and i took a hit of someones weed (stupid i know).. At first nothing happened but i think i was paranoid about smoking weed from someone i didnt know and i started getting really edgy and i got scared and i had to get out of the crowd.. so i told my friend that i didnt feel right and we got out of the crowd and i sat again a fence and i kept getting nervous thoughts in my head and questioning everything i thought about and i thinking about how i let my parents down for doing this.. The whole time i was aware of what was going on and it was cold and i was shivering and i thought that i was like having a seizure or something.. like i thought that i was shivering like crazy and i was wondering y the people next didnt notice this.. also at one point my mouth felt really dry with like a weird feeling.. The whole experience only lasted like an hour i would say and me and my friend walked back to where we were staying.. I talked to another friend who does heavier drug like acid and he is convinced that it wasnt laced with anything and that i just had like a body high from the paranoia.. I just want some other opinions on it and also if it was laced if that could have some long term effects.?Health Question & Answer

Doubt it was laced, I think it was just GOOD weed..

Some of the cheap weed don't give you a body high, but good weed does.. Then you apparently had a panic attack because you were worried you smoked some random person's weed, and weed does that.. Good weed also causes paranoia sometimes.. Its the anxiety that just ruined your experience..Health Question & Answer

dude i seriuosly don't thik it was laced.. i think it was just some one-hit-n-quit stuff.. some people get really paranoid on it, i know i do.. i wouldn't worry about it too much man.. and trust me if it was acid you would have tripped out A WHOLE LOT worse than that manHealth Question & Answer

yeh i dont think it was laced.. i think you got paranoid because you thought it could have been, but i think it was just some good weed..Health Question & Answer

Cool story, I don't know anything about weed.. Maybe it had something in it.. Health Question & Answer

doesn't sound like it was laced if it only lasted an hour.. alot of people have a sort of mini panic attack on weed if they are really new to it or if it's really good stuff.. probably because you were unsure about the drug in the first place and the guilt/parent thing.. any drug can put negative feelings like that into high gear.. most things it would be laced with would last longer.. may have been a sprinkle of coke but it's expensive so not likely to be passed around to strangers at a concert.. just gotta relax.. "vibes" are real lolHealth Question & Answer

It's EXTREMELY unlikely your marijuana was laced with any other substance, as someone else said, it was probabaly just good bud.. For one, it's extremely rare that marijuana is ever laced with anything by dealers and sold to unsuspecting buyers, contrary to what some people want you to believe.. also, I've had both LSD and PCP laced marijuana before (Because I bought it and THEN laced it Myself), and neither produced an experience anywhere similar to what you described.. Rest easy..Health Question & Answer

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