I have a friend who is being mentally and possibly physically abused by her fiance'?!

Question: I have a friend who is being mentally and possibly physically abused by her fiance'.?
Need a little help on how to help her family get her away from this creep.. She's so oblivious and refuses to leave him.. I know that she is an adult and legally nothing can be done without her approval.. But she does still live with her parents, can they get a restraining order against him just because they believe he is a threat to their daughter..Health Question & Answer

Been here........ There really isn't anything that her parents can do unless there is evidence on her of the abuse.. You can always call the domestic abuse hotline and report it.. Then if they see a problem then something can be done.. If she's in denial then there's really nothing you can do.. Eventually (I hope) she'll come to her senses and realize that she does not deserve to be treated like that.. Abuse whether it's mental or physical is still abuse.. Sometimes the mental can be just as bad if not worse than the psysical.. Believe me I've been on both ends of that stick.. If you have ever heard him abuse her or seen him do something than you can always say something to a judge about it.. But you also have to take your friends feelings in this matter as well.. Are you guys close or will she turn on you for sayong something about what has been going on.. I've seen that happen as well.. You think your helping her but in fact all you do is drive her away and closer to him which hurts you and puts her in more danger.. So whatever you do just be careful in what your decision will be..

Hope this helpedHealth Question & Answer

I think a restraining order wont be much help, cause she can just leave with him if you guys do that.. and then you may lose her forever if she doesnt come back.. the best thing is to talk some sense into her.. maybe everyone can sit down with her and explain to her that he isnt worth it.. but doing something against her will wont work..

good luck! Health Question & Answer

If you get a restraning order she will just leave to be with him.. It's really sad when people let themsevles be abused.. You need to show her that she can do way better.. See if there are any men she thinks are cute.. She won't leave him unless she wants to..Health Question & Answer

if the courts think it is for her safety then they canHealth Question & Answer

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