What is emo and why do people associate it with depression and suicide?!

Question: What is emo and why do people associate it with depression and suicide.?
When I read some people's answers (on questions about depression and suicide) they keep saying "don't be emo"......or "I'm not emo".. Can someone please explain to me what emo is and why people say that they aren't emo or for the asker to not be emo..

ThanksHealth Question & Answer

Emo is a term for emotional music,well really emotional music.. Some people have the opinion that all people who listen to emo music and are depressed,suicidal, or cut themselves do it because of the music they listen to, to be cool, or to gain attention.. Which some people have used those things to gain attention,but not all.. Some people do have issues and it's not music related or what other bullshit reason people believe they are right about.. People are afraid of the unknown and tend to bash it.. Something could seem small to me but it could be a very big deal for another person.. Some people don't realize that and think it seems stupid therefore calling them emo and to get over it.. Basically what I'm getting at is some people are ignorant about mental illness and it's the internet most people don't care what they write in response to other people..Health Question & Answer

EMO is emotional......

but its also a catigory people put music and a way of clothing into....

its like being gangsta, or country...... its a way of style and type of things

emo kids usually listen to music that, isn't really about the music, more about the lyrics..
dashboard confesional is not all that musicly talented but his lyrics have alot of meaning to it,
most emo bands are accoustic and just a guy sitting with a guitar pouring his heart out..

alot of emo kids wear the black rimmed glasses and different colored hair, sometimes tight pants to top it off..

part of the 'emo' style is wearing your hair over your face to hide it, representing that your insecure, and a wrist band covering yoru wrists, which is supopsed to be looking like your hiding 'cuts' from killing youself, even if you dont have cuts, its still part of the style.. Health Question & Answer

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