I cant help but WORRY about MY LIFE..whether I'll SUCCEED or NOT.. please help!!! NO SELF CONFIDENCE ?!

Question: I cant help but WORRY about MY LIFE..whether I'll SUCCEED or NOT.. please help!!! NO SELF CONFIDENCE .?
I just turned 21 and i have nothing to show for it... I feel like Im never gonna be anything in life cuz... i dont do as I should be doing... My field is graphic design and animation.... once i graduate how will i ever get a job if i cant even sale myself.... i feel so down... whats going on with meHealth Question & Answer

Welcome to the real world! You are learning that a college degree is not a guarantee for a job! There are lots of people who have degrees who are trash collectors and cab drivers, why.? for there are more degrees than jobs! Like the other writer wrote, you have a college degree which is more than the h.s. drop outs I know around here will ever have. What you need to look for is a job. It may/will not be in you field that you trained for, but after awhile you may find something in your field of study. Don't give up! Take it a day at a time. Each day will turn into days, days to weeks and weeks to months. You are looking at the rest of your life and not focusing on the here and now.
Tomorrow is another day. Get some rest and get the help wanteds tomorrow.Health Question & Answer

Its easy to answer this question with a load of optimism, but I know I'd feel annoyed if someone tried to cheer me up with a load of optimism, but thats just me.

So far your better off then me, Im a 19 year old dropout who works at a Pizza parlor, yet I know I could easily get a career in psychology or philosophy, even quantum mechanics, which makes it more frustrating that I have no drive.

I imagine you feel somewhat the same way, you want to do something, you feel a natural tendency to want to suceed but cant find the road to do it, first off I'd like to recommend a really neat thing, its a theory that came from Quantum physics called the Law Of Attraction, its a theory that if you truly believe you can do something, you will do it. It probably sounds cheesey but I'd give it a look-see, its pretty interesting. I'll add a link to a wiki of the law in the sources for you.

Other then this, this is a type of problem where you will suffer it, until you get fed up and decide to snap. And do something about it.

Get friends involved, trustworthy ones, if your having trouble making decisions, I often find myself doing this, and It helps me out a lot.Health Question & Answer

There's nothing wrong with you, you're just concerned about your future. Somehow, everything falls into place, nobody knows how but it always does. As for your career I'm in the same industry. Our industry is tough at first, its really just about getting that first break. And don't feel hopeless, we've all been in that position and know how it feels, we know what its like to have only a few seconds on your demo reel, to not know what to expect and accidentally show up at the interview in your Sunday best or just be young and awkward and inexperienced. Believe it or not these things are to your benefit and employers are looking for new and fresh energy. You'd be surprised how many people want to help you out just because someone helped them get their first foot in the door. Graphic design and animation are great industries, the people in it, you'll soon find out, are awesome!
You're also worried because you can't see your future, but you've got a lot in store... I started off going to the wrong school and hanging out with animators who weren't ambitious, but somehow made it from canada to L.A. and now I'm at Disney feature, I wouldn't have imagined in a million years. I don't know how it happened, it just did, so hang in there, dream big, don't forget your seat belt and enjoy the ride.
I like to listen to Randy Pausch when I'm feeling unsure, which for me, is pretty often:
.?v=YDfuHQBgFZ0" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch.?v=YDfuHQBgF...
.?v=ji5_MqicxSo&feature=related" rel="nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch.?v=ji5_Mqicx...
All the best!Health Question & Answer

Hi, Sounds like you're just afraid of the unknown! I recently graduated from college & was scared to death! I still don't have my "dream" job but got over it. Don't say "you have nothing to show for it!" You're about to have a college degree! That is a wonderful accomplishment! I wish you all the best!Health Question & Answer

If you are 21 years old and feel bad because you have nothing to show for it...what exactly does "show for it" mean in your mind.? Please don't think I'm judging you...but what exactly does succees represent to you.? I can honestly tell you what success means to me now...it isn't a big house, with lavish furnishings, with a boat in the yard and a great sports car in the drive. All of that would mean "nothing" if you had no one to share with. Success is being the best person you can be, to understand you are not here on earth to "prove" how great you are, but rather, to see how many lives you can touch where you make a difference; to love those who feel unloved, to give of yourself to another person when in need; to be there for "anyone" who could use someone to talk to, to bring laughter to someone who has forgotten how to; to give a gift to a child who may only have one gift to open on their birthday or on Christmas; to recognize when your mom or dad are really exhausted, and offer to cook the meal that evening, or mow the lawn, or empty the dishwasher. The best cure for insecurity in oneself...give of yourself to another person - they will think you are the most fantastic human being they ever encountered. There is a quote and I don't recall who wrote it, but it goes something like this, "Youth is wasted on the young." I would love to be 21 again...it's a time when your body is the strongest and healthiest, you haven't lived through enough disappointments or trials to feel a sense of hopelessness, and the cells in your brain are healthy and giving you the greatest gift of all...the ability to study in a field of your choice. Find a mentor...someone who can guide you into a direction that you would like to head. Talk to someone from a company or college about their journey that led them to where they are. If you are really in search, share your concerns and fears with someone who has "been there...done that." You will be amazed how many people would like to explain their life story to someone who will listen. Take notes and soar!Health Question & Answer

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