I don't like myself, & I don't like people that like themselves for the wrong reasons?!

Question: I don't like myself, & I don't like people that like themselves for the wrong reasons.?
I'm so tired of dealing with all these fake people that think they're cool & that stick together. I think they deserve each other since they talk about each other too. Why are people so stupid.? I'm also tired of "religious" people that are worse than everyone else. What is their problem.? I've found the rudest/snobbiest people at church! Why do these people have it so good, while, others can't catch a break.? Grrr!!!!!Health Question & Answer

I agree with you, and I'm a Christian..

Sometimes religious people don't practice what they preach. They will listen to it, do something else, and hold themselves upright in such a way that fills in the lack of action and results in their life.

The simple truth is, we are all very much the same. I as a Christian believe as I read that you are very much worth just as much as me, and if I perceive that any differently,.. That means, I'm simply confused.

Sometimes observing this can cause us to feel like spectators and not involved in our own WORLD!!!!

This happens because of FEAR.. Fear of rejection, everyone experiences this, even the "cool kids"... I was the biggest EMO kid in high school, I would get up go to school, go home and go to bed imediatly because I felt as though I had no purpose in society, I felt no worth.. The simple truth is I was thinking about myself SO MUCH, that I neglected to care about others and this is what was causing my demise.Health Question & Answer

I hate fake people too. Glad you know that they deserve each other. There are however genuine people out there, they're usually in the back ground laughing at the fake people. Next time one of JW's comes to your door, talk to them, you will be surprised how genuine & sincere they are. They're good people to know. In the mean time don't let the others turn you off of all religions, & don't let the fake people get to you either. They're plastic, they may last a long time but they're breakable & they melt. :)Health Question & Answer

If you constantly question other peoples behavior and motives you'll never find an answer. Life isn't always fair nor do we have the answers to why things happen the way they do. You need to address why you don't like yourself first and foremost. Start by appreciating the fact that you aren't like the people you described...once you are happy with yourself because you're confident of your good qualities..it becomes less important why others are the way they are. You learn to avoid those people and spot the sincere ones like you!Health Question & Answer

We ALL have our problems! Even the most devout people are not without problems, I think that they just do a better job of hiding it that's all. Some people think that if they have their church, they can pray their problems away...I don't think it makes them stupid, I just think that it gives them the chance to blame someone else for their "sins" while those of us who don't believe are left to blame ourselves for our actions!
You stated that you don't like yourself, why.? What did you do that was so wrong.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

I dont like people who go around hating on everyone else. Why don't you just put all this effort and frustration into your own life. Of course you are not going to like some people. However, it is only your problem when you let it bother you. Just ignore them and work on improving your own life.Health Question & Answer

well, plenty of people come off certain ways cause they have shi*t in their lives they cant cover up completely. being understanding is the best way to deal w/your self psych outs. this question is in the mental health cat.? you don't have a mental problem fyi. i know exactly how you feel. still, waisting energy on flippin off other people just stresses you out. cool down and take life for what it is. hug a tree. ha haHealth Question & Answer

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