Why do I let disappointment ruin my day? Small to big disappointments - everything hurts!?!

Question: Why do I let disappointment ruin my day.? Small to big disappointments - everything hurts!.?
I've always, "Wore my heart on my sleeve" - however I've just realized that alot of my anxiety and frustrations are in result of me getting disappointed!
The level of disappointment that can turn my day black doesn't matter - it can be that i am disappointed in the people having a family reunion in an aisle at Wal-mart, and won't let you pass through - or it can be that I am disappointed that my significant other would rather walk down the road then figure out our problems, when we are arguing. And everything in between!
I have suffered with extreme depression in the past however I had a severe reaction to meds. so have went untreated for majority of my life!
Another little tid bit...when I meet a new friend i seem to give them all my trust from the get go - however, the first time they disappoint me...it's never the same after that. I treat them differently and pretty much always remember how they have hurt me!
GOD, PLEASE HELP!Health Question & Answer

If you had a bad reaction to the meds go to a doctor again and see if there's anything else, maybe you can talk to someone, or, some people think it doesn't work, you could try herbal remedies, I know it's not the same but I couldn't sleep for ages so I tried herbal tea that was specialised for night time and it worked like a charm, I've noticed there are teas for uplifting spirits and relaxing

You just have to learn to relax and try not to let things disappoint you, you said your partner would rather go for a walk when you guys argue, maybe you could turn that to a good thing, you two have your space after an arguement, it gives you time to calm down as well as him and then you can both talk about it afterwards without arguing.?

I know this probably hasn't helped much, but I'd like to think it's given you something to think about =) hope everything works out for you and remember with life there's always going to be ups and downs, just gotta keep going =) only got one lifeHealth Question & Answer

Sounds like you have high expectations of people, just like me.Health Question & Answer

You sound overly sensitive to me. And possibly depressed. Maybe you should go back on antidepressants, back to the doctor. If what you were taking didn't agree with you, tell the doctor and ask to be put on something else. I wouldn't give a rat's *** about a family reunion in a WalMart aisle, and if my bf wanted to walk and think things out after a fight, so be it. And you can't trust a new friend with all your problems at first. Try to grow a skin, even if it's fake. It will help you to deal with life. If you go around acting vulnerable all the time, people pick up on it and take advantage of you, making you feel even worse.Health Question & Answer

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