I want to commit suicide today, what will happen to me if I turn myself in to the ER? will I lose my job? ?!

Question: I want to commit suicide today, what will happen to me if I turn myself in to the ER.? will I lose my job.? .?
I am a mental health care counselorHealth Question & Answer

no you won't lose your job. everybody has there problems and issues with themselves.

don't do it! so many people love you and will miss you. people depend on YOU.Health Question & Answer

No, you will definitely not loose your job. Doctors have confidentiality rules they can not tell anyone unless you are going to harm someone else. For instance, if you told them you just molested a child they would have a moral obligation to report it to the police. The only other case of them telling someone is if you are putting yourself in harm, in this case you would be admitting that your putting yourself in harm and asking for help so they would not tell anyone. What you need to do is call someone you trust and can rely on your plans, then ask them to stay the night with you, or stay with you until you feel like you are out of immediate danger. If you do not have anyone to call or do not feel comfortable calling anyone, then yes, please check yourself into the ER. The ER would have several trained people that can help you. If you have to miss a few days of work to work on your mental health, then so be it, it's worth your life. If you work you are a mental health care counselor then the people you work with should know what you are going through and feel empathetic. There is no shame in being in the mental health field and needing mental health assistance. In fact, psychology related jobs are one of the most depressing careers out there so it is almost expected to need help sometimes. I know this because I am a 4th year psychology major myself, and in my lifetime I've sought psychological health 3 different times. It's ok, it just means your aware of yourself and feelings and is a lot more mature and healthy than doing nothing.Health Question & Answer

Everyone has work, stress or other problems that stress their conscious sometimes. If you are a mental health care counselor don't you think you should take some time off and ask advise and help from some mental health provider .?
You cannot solve your situation being with people that might have the same feelings you do.
I worked in the mental health field for three years and it had some stressful days that caused me to go to the medicine cabinet. Lost my job and caused some job problems for awhile. Health Question & Answer

I doubt they can fire you for having a mental breakdown. I would suggest you go to the er and ask for help. Take vacation time from work or talk to your boss about maybe getting a leave of absense and get yourself some help you need! The psych hospital can be bad but it isn't horrible and if you are in need they help. I've met some of the nices nurses in the psych hospital.
Health Question & Answer

You will get admitted to the mental ward and spend some time there, but that's not such a bad thing, you will just have to take a leave of absence. Your mental health is not good right now and fixing it or making it at least a little better is your priority! Put your life on hold and get help now.Health Question & Answer

They will hospitalize you until they most likely find the correct medication for you & until you are no longer suicidal. If you have a good job with good benefits, you will most likely get disability, but don't even worry about that now, you need help....Health Question & Answer

wtf is your problem man if you comit suicide you wont have a job to go to because your dead. if you turn yourself into the er they will send you to the mental health center instead of trying to cure people with mental health problems you will the one need to be cured Health Question & Answer

Is losing your job better or worse than losing your life, along with any opportunity to have a better outlook and perspective.?
I would say better. You owe it to yourself to take the risk and go talk to someone at the ER.

EDIT : please report abuse on Codeine's answer. now!Health Question & Answer

You won't lose your job.

There are so many souls who need you.

The world needs you. You are so important here, in life... You are!

Look for help NOW.Health Question & Answer

Well, ER is for if you are actually bady hurt, not for simply thnking about suicide. And I dont think you will lose your job.Health Question & Answer

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