I don't know what to do anymore please help?!

Question: I don't know what to do anymore please help.?
i am 15, i feel really depressed all the time and cut myself.
lately since school has started i've felt no motivation whatsoever to do ANYTHING. i dont do homework or anything, i just sit in class all day day dreaming and thinking about my pain.
at home my family is rather dysfunctional.
my personal life is crap. i dont have friends i can trust enough and i keep throwing myself at any guy that shows an interest in me because i am desperate to feel loved, but i look for that in wrong places.
i feel so confused, i used to feel so motivated to do well, i used to be smart and now i feel dumb and like i just dont give a damn.
im like in a daze all the time. i sometimes find myself even feeling no energy to do the basic of tasks.
i exercise and that sort of helps my mood but not enough.
i feel ready to drop out or like i want to kill myself to get away from it all.
what can i do please help.?
like right now im just sitting in my room thinking what to do, i have all this hwk to do that i know i shud do, yet i dont care.
Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you are very depressed, due to the circumstances in your life, and the reaction to that is to stop caring about things, and to find ways to escape your feelings.

One thing that would help is to get therapy. It is going to be tricky to do, because I am guessing that you don't want to tell your parents. Perhaps a good place to start is a guidance counselor at school, or you could call a suicide hotline (even if you are not suicidal like that) and just ask them if they know how you can find free mental help.
also, there are child abuse hotlines that you can call and talk about things. 1-800 4 A Child is one. I learned about that one by seeing it on the milk at school!
Now, we both know you need to get the hell out of your house, as soon as possible. This means when you turn eighteen. If you are cutting yourself all the time, not paying attention to things, thinking of dropping out of school, is that going to help you get out as soon as possible.? Not really, right.?
The important thing that you need to do is to get crafty and start doing things in your life that aim you in the right direction to get the hell out of there. YOU are not crazy, it is just that you are living with THEM.
How about researching colleges.? Getting the best grades you possibly can so you can get a scholarship and go out of town, or state, or country to college.? What about getting a part time job and saving money for your get away.? What about reading self help books to help you cope with these problems, and not dwell in them as much.?
Because, when we are depressed, we sometimes like to lay down in it and just rest our aching bodies. Kind of like going to sleep in the snow. But that will kill you, and you are too strong for that, so don't do it! Do not invite depression to pull up a chair and hang out with you, tell it to get the hell out of your house!
Don't allow for yourself to be ruined by your family, Make yourself your own project, and do what you can to help yourself, and STOP hurting yourself.
Reach out to others who are in a position to guide you and encourage you!Health Question & Answer

I know the feeling. You do need to talk to someone about this. You may have a chemical imbalance and that in not your fault. I will tell you though that killing yourself is not the answer! You need to get a relationship with Jesus, He's the only answer. I've been where you are and it's by the Grace of God that I am still alive today.Health Question & Answer

take this page and print it out and take it to a psychiatrist...and I'm not being a smart a**...really you need to tell a professional exactly what you told us! we are not doctors and if you are self destructing that is very serious hun! plz get help! you are so young and have so much life ahead of you!Health Question & Answer

Whe I was 15 I was very much the same as you....I tried to kill myself by taking a bunch of pills. I spent 2 months in the hospital hooked up to machines and I was not "really" awake. They put me into a "hospital" for almost a year and lots of medicine trying to "fix" me. I hated my life and my family, no one understood me and I wanted to get away from them and be loved by someone, anyone. I know what you are saying. I do.
But now, I am blessed by God that He brought me through it because I grew up, made it out of that bloody nightmare of a family life and have a beautiful family of my own with a husband who cherishes me and 4 gorgeous kids.

My point: seek someone's help. If your family life is not suitable, maybe a cousin or aunt/uncle can let you stay with them.? Talk to your school counselor or call a Outreach Center. If you want their help, they WILL help you. Don't be afraid of getting help, be afraid of not getting help. You can have a wonderful life.....you have to want to get past this, though.
Everyone has a story, that's what makes us who we are and who we don't want to be. If your family life is bad and your parents aren't great, then you should want to be better than that, because it's possible.

Don't be ashamed. Go tomorrow morning straight to school counselor and don't worry about anything else, you can do the homework later. You need help right now. Please trust someone.Health Question & Answer

Here are some thoughts. Do one or all:

Change your classes to only classes that you like -- that may motivate you. Get the guidance counselor to agree with you and help keep your parent off your back.

also consider getting a fun job after school. It doesn't matter what it pays as long as it is fun.

Volunteer to help with something that you like. Helping others less fortunate may put things into perspective.

Any of these will start to make you feel better about yourself. Start there, yourself back on track and then consider pushing yourself to see how smart you really are.Health Question & Answer

does anybody from your family know how you feel.? i have a friend who was like you before, good thing we became friends, she was having difficulty relating to me all her problems and so i suggested that we exchange diaries everyday so she can tell me how her day was, how she feels that way she won't be forced to tell me everything. it is a double purpose diary: an extension of her feelings so he could release any anger or disappointment on her day and a way of communicating with me so she will also know how my day was and how i am.. in that way i can give her advices and i will know and understand how she feels..
besides our diary writing, she also has a regular appointment to her shrink because she also needed professional help. now she is taking her masteral degree and i can see that a lot of things have changed because she does not feel depress anymore.Health Question & Answer

I agree with the first comment. You need to either print this statement out or write it all down and take it to your doctor.....if not your guidance counselor at school or even your principal/VP. Don't even go into class....just show up and force someone to listen.....usually when they see the scars they realize how bad things really are getting.
I totally know what you're going through. I was just like that when I was in Junior High all the way through High School....only I ignored it and let it get a lot worse. There are people out there who wanna help......just keep looking for them......There's also always the Kids Help Phone. They are much more helpful than one may think.
Good luck sweetie......keep fighting....it'll be worth it in the end, I promise. :P Lots of Luv. xoxoHealth Question & Answer

When I was 15, many years ago, I used to think and feel the same way as you. What I did about it was to divide the rest of my day into things that I want to do and things that I had to do. I spent my lunch and the breaks doing homework so that I would have time freed up in the evenings for me to go swimming at the beach and on Fridays to go out with my friends. I allocated a certain amount of time to homewoek each night and only did homework during those times. Then I could go shopping, go out with friends and go to sports in the rest of the time that I had.Health Question & Answer

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