Are you bipolar, or do you know someone who is?!

Question: Are you bipolar, or do you know someone who is.?
I would like to know some of the dominant symptoms of someone with bipolar disorder. Examples with given scenarios would help too.

I've, of course, read the links that Google search pulls up when I search similar keywords; however, I want to know from someone who has experienced bipolar disorder themselves or from someone who has a loved one suffering from it.Health Question & Answer

There are two different types. 1 and 2. 1 is the highs of BP with more mania, and 2 is the lows with more Depression. Different medications are prescribed for each. And often times BPD2 is confused with Severe Depression because the symptoms are so similar, and BPD1 is sometimes confused with Schizophrenia.

Supposedly one of my husband's friends is BP2 but I do not think he is merely because he does not exhibit a lot of the symptoms, I think he has Severe Depression instead. And considering his therapist thinks BPD2 is the worst of the 2, he most likely got a wrong diagnosis.

My oldest brother was basically told by doctors that he was crazy so they put him on different medications to see which ones worked best and the ones given to him for BPD1 worked the best. Even besides that...I've lived with him the majority of my life and I know he had BPD1 just because of how he acted. And I have a lot in common with him but less severe. Though I was not diagnosed as having it (I was given the title Severe Depression with Psychosis instead).

In my brother's case, he has severe mood swings at the drop of a pin and then he could be in the best of moods just a few minutes later. He's also delt with depression and suicide as well as impulses of various forms.

Health Question & Answer

I have bipolar disorder and I can tell you that the symptoms do vary but there are some common threads. This is my experience.

I typically cycle from major depression to psychotic mania once every few years. During the major depression, I have extreme anxiety and think that I am worthless. I want to die. Everything about me is wrong and everything that I've ever done is wrong. I will fail at anything I try so why bother.? During the mania, I start by having lots of energy and staying up late. I forget to eat sometimes. I start hundreds of little projects but lose interest quickly and rarely finish any of them. I buy things I don't need or too many things that I do need. When the psychosis hits, I think angels and demons are interacting with me. I think I have super powers. My life has a grand and glorious cosmic purpose and I'm going to change the world.

In between times (which is most of the time), I stay slightly depressed or hypomanic. I'm irritable a lot - sometimes to the point of aggression. I feel like crap often. I wonder why I bother. I spend a lot of my days bored and just really disgusted at my life.

I've recently started lithium and therapy so I hope things will change so I can become a better person. I know there's a good person in here somewhere - I just have to work hard to find her. Health Question & Answer

I was diagnosed with bipolar when I was 13. I'm 21 now. The main things are just extreme changes. Like you cant get out of bed cause you are so depressed then a few days later you feel very very happy, almost like you are drunk (that's how it is for me). you sleep all day or you cant sleep at all. (a lot of time I didn't have the energy to get out of bed and take a shower, then once I got out of the depressive state, I felt like my body didn't need to sleep, I could function perfectly without it) YOu eat a lot or you eat almost nothing. You over focus and concentrate on one thing and cant do anything else, or you cant concentrate on anything (like one time I started cleaning the kitchen and I saw the grout was dirty so I sat there for like 3 hours scrubbing the grout with a toothbrush. I couldn't do anything else until it was good enough)

I think its mainly just going from one extreme to the other. That's how my whole life has been. Growing up people always just thought I was a "bad kid" or "difficult" but its a lot more then that. Its a very selfish desiese. A lot of the time you cant even take care of yourself and you need someone else to help you out of the depression or keep you in check when your manic that a good support system is key. It took me a few years to find the right medication for me. And now that I have it, as long as I keep on my meds and dont miss any, I am a normal functioning adult (most of the time. lol)

Sorry its kinda long. That's how bipolar is. Health Question & Answer

I have a bipolar disorder diagnostic for years now. Some of the symptoms are insomnia, lack of appetite or viceversa, radical mood swings from depressed to hyperactive, most bipolars also suffer from OCD as well. That's my personal experience, it could change from person to person. I wish you the best.Health Question & Answer

I used to have a girlfriend who had bi polar she would have really big highs like she could do anything or she would be so depressed that she couldn't get out of bed.its extreme highs and lows.medication helps them but when there on a high sometimes they don't want to take there meds because they feel on top of the world, Health Question & Answer

my x husband is bipolar he gets depressed and won't shower for days.or he will do things at the drop of hat like wanting to by a car when we didn't have the money, taking meds and listen to the doctors will help u make through lifeHealth Question & Answer

I refuse to accept that absurd terminology. I will not waste my good time explaining why. People are fools to play along with this "modern" ripoff term.

Yet another lumping device to help quacks collect more money from insurance companies and confuse the patients. Health Question & Answer

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