Why do people keep forcing their political beliefs on you, even after you've told them you aren't interested?!

Question: Why do people keep forcing their political beliefs on you, even after you've told them you aren't interested.?
I am a registered Independent, and I'm fed up with BOTH parties and their insistence on creating rhetoric, instead of addressing the issues.

When I tell someone who is a hair-on-fire liberal, or foaming-at-the-mouth conservative that I'm not interested in discussing politics, why do they STILL keep coming at me with their rhetoric.? Are they deaf, emotionally disturbed, or do they actually think that if they "argue me to the mat" that I will suddenly have a revelation about their point of view.?

Furthermore, it's not an issue of "freedom of speech". I have freedom of speech to tell them to give it a rest.

Why are there so many obnoxious, delusional people who refuse to shut up about politics.?
Health Question & Answer

I agree.. Who cares about who will be president. It's not like the world will change any. I hate politics and have never registered to vote and never will.

I'm with you on that oneHealth Question & Answer

I'm pretty sure its some sort of disease.Health Question & Answer

like holy-rollers & christianity.

anyway, may be the 'circle' you associate with. I don't get that in my life anymore, thank god. But if you're around a group who's politically aware & excited, then it's just natural. I used to work with a 70 yr old VP of the company & he'd CONSTANTLY float around & sit in my office blabbing about politics & WWII & stuff. After about 10-15 times of this, I learned to just nod & smile at the appropriate time & keep on with my work.

Another thing I've found is sometimes when people beat a dead horse they're trying to convince themselves or they may really want you to convince them of your stance & how you can be that way in the face of such overpowering information/evidence that caused them to take their stance.

Just keep repeating you'd prefer not to dicuss religion or politics & if they continue, abruptly leave for a few minutes for them to collect themselves.Health Question & Answer

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