College loneliness and depression?!

Question: College loneliness and depression.?
Hello, I just recently started attending college out of state away from all my friends and family. At first I thought it was a great idea, to branch out and try a new start. After the first two weeks, I realized just how lonely I was. I've tried so hard to make friends and have fun, but I just can't do it. Every time I go to a social gathering it feels like I just stand in a corner, smoking cigarettes and waiting for someone to talk to me. I hate it because I know it's up to me to do something about it all, but I just feel so shy and timid. I'm awful at starting conversations, and I was never really the hit at the parties. I feel like it would be so much easier to have fun if I had one person I could turn to, but it's been a month and I still don't know a soul. Now I'm addicted to cigarettes and friendless...

Has anyone else experienced this/been experiencing this.? What was it like or what did you do about it.? Maybe some tips on how I can meet people.?Health Question & Answer

Answers: my mind lol, Im sitting in my dorm right now thinking how crappy this is not knowing anyone....Honestly I'm exactly the same. A lot of people are going to tell you to join a club or activity blah blah blah which I've tried myself and its the same thing, just kinda sit there, listen to the people in charge talk, then go home. Honestly the best way from my personal experience is getting a job. At a job you're just stuck with the same people for hours on end, so the conversation is bound to come eventually as long as you allow it. Good luck, just remember you aren't alone, there's a ton of people going through the exact same stuff. Probably obvious, but try talking to people in your classes too....just before classes try asking about some assignment, then ask how their weekend was, it will usually escalate from there, give it a few weeks and see if they wanna hang out....Health Question & Answer

Most people are in the same situation as you, you'll meet people don't you hang out with your roomates".? or in class youll meet people at partiesHealth Question & Answer

You shouldn't smoke. Cigarettes turn a lot of people away.Health Question & Answer

Has anyone else experienced this/been experiencing this.?
Yes I have on occassion even in the place that I work

What was it like or what did you do about it.?
Well I try to talk with people and smile, I listen to what they have to say but I really dont feel that I can add anything to the conversation

Maybe some tips on how I can meet people.?
Join some sports clubs, some interest groups so that you have a topic that you have something in common with other people and then branch your conversations out from there.Health Question & Answer

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