Who do I need to see/go to to get a prescription for pills? I can't focus, sleep, and am depressed.?!

Question: Who do I need to see/go to to get a prescription for pills.? I can't focus, sleep, and am depressed..?
I don't know much about ADHD/adderall, or if that's what I have/need, but I absolutely can not focus. My mind is everywhere when I need it to be stable. Sometimes it will take me 12 straight hours in one sit to write a paper for school, because I only spend about 2 hours actually writing it. The others I'll be stumped, or screwing around on the internet. I can't sit down and do homework or study by myself, it's just a hassle wasting so much time to get so little done. Sometimes I can be extremely hyper, but I can also be the most calm at certain times when I'm with people. But usually if I'm by myself and something crazy is going on in my life (right now), I can't think straight.

I don't know if this would qualify as separate, but it also takes me the longest time to fall asleep. Not all the time, but the majority it will take me sometimes an hour to fall asleep, even when I'm dead tired and would think I'd pass out once my head hits the pillow. The second I get in bed and close my eyes, my mind starts a roller coaster of thoughts. I don't know if this would qualify for the same thing I may get to "focus" better, or if I'd qualify for something specifically to make me tired and sleep quickly.

Finally, you'd never know if you were with me, but once I get by myself, sometimes I can just hit a pretty bad depression. Funny, because I'm not the kind of person who would think I'd get depressed. I'm more optimistic than almost anybody I know. But I guess not about everything, and the things I'm not on, they get to me the most. Sometimes I won't want to do anything, or don't have any motivation at all in the first place to try and attempt homework or something (just to even GET to the point of where I can't even focus if I do bring myself to try), and it's just really gay. After something personal happened last night, it's like everything in the world from my past that has been a conflict just all came together and raped the crap out of me. I'm one of the most stable, optimistic, and real people I know, but I guess even I've got some personal issues I just don't give a crap about dealing with and just don't care enough to make an effort to work out.

What do you think the doctor will say.? Who do I see about this stuff.? I used to take (didn't abuse, I took the recommended dose) oxycodone sometimes when I really got excited and it didn't help me focus (definitely wouldn't say "focus") but it definitely calmed me down, and that helped a lot sometimes. What do you think I could ask for to be prescribed to me.? I've never been prescribed or had to take anything sort of pills or anything in my life, so I don't really know how this works or what to expect.

And Oh lawd, mental illnesses, bipolar even.? Not even close I'd think. But I guess I'd be close-minded to not be open to accepting it may be the case. I mean, I've gone 18 years just fine, no different than anyone else. I've got my problems like the next guy, but I can handle them or shrug them off, or work them out. I'm just at a bottling up point right now, which I thought I'd never be at. If I had enough motivation, I have all the reason I need to get over this... but I just don't care right now. I just don't want to deal with this. Eventually I will work it out, but not right now. I have so much homework this weekend, and after what happened last night, I could study for the next 48 hours straight and nothing I could read will stick to my mind.

And like I said, I don't know much about this stuff, I've never actually felt burdened enough to go out and try and get prescribed something to take for any of it. I got through high school just fine, even if I couldn't focus straight all the time. So, do I need to see a psychiatrist to be prescribed what I need.? Where would I go for that.? See, I'm thinking of "seeing a person once or more a week and me talking about my problems, and them writing stuff down and working it out." What is the real deal here.? I'm thinking right now a one-trip visit, explain my symptoms, and hope I can get something to help work them out.Health Question & Answer

The short answer.? You can just make an appt with your GP (regular doc) to get started!

Gosh... you sound SO much like me! My mind wanders 24/7 and leads me to have an amazingly difficult time falling asleep. I didn't go to bed until 545a this morning! Sometimes I just can't turn it off. For me, though, it's just high anxiety. Anxiety can easily make someone lose focus and even appear to be somewhat ADHD. From what you said, I'd never say you were Bipolar. BPAD (BiPolar Affective Disorder) requires a much more significant set of symptoms that I won't go into here, but they're not the ones you have mentioned... though sometimes it can feel like it!

To get things started, just make an appt with your family doctor... the same person you go to when you get sick. They will give you something called a BDI, which is just a short list of symptoms (including severity) that help them find your main issue. They can get you started on meds (if necessary) and recommend you to either a Psychiatrist (who can both counsel AND prescribe) or a Counselor (who can work with your GP to give you the best treatment). I'd DEFINITELY recommend you do both -- meds & counseling -- as one is not nearly as effective without the other.

Hope this helps you!! If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask // contact me!Health Question & Answer

Just have a few drinks. What I find really helpful to have a real fun relaxed stress and anxiety free day is to drink a few beers during the day. Have a few good beers in the morning, then if you go out, take a hip flask of whiskey with you and have a few good swigs during the day. After a super start to the day get stuck into the booze in the late afternoon. It really gives you a good night

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