Do anyone know how to trace back past memories?!

Question: Do anyone know how to trace back past memories.?
I am currently seeing a mental health worker and i know something in my past has caused me to hate my own mother and seek attention from other mother figures. How do i remember what happened.? I don't think it is a big thing but something hapened which i have blocked out but how can i find it.?Health Question & Answer

Hypnosis may help you. Speak to your counselor and get a referral to a reliable hypnotist. They can usually help you unlock your memory. It will probably take more than one or two sessions, so be patient with yourself.

I hope you can find out what is bothering you about your mom and heal that relationship. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

Be very careful

False memory syndrome (FMS) is a term coined in 1992 by the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) to describe their theory that some adults who belatedly remember instances of sexual abuse from their childhood may be mistaken about the accuracy of their memory; from this, the Foundation hypothesizes that the alleged false memories may have been the result of recovered memory therapy, another term coined by the FMSF in the early 1990s.The FMSF is an organization that advocates on behalf of individuals who claim they have been falsely accused of perpetrating child sexual abuse. Some of the influential figures in the genesis of this theory are forensic psychologist Ralph Underwager, psychologist Elizabeth Loftus and sociologist Richard Ofshe.

Charles Whitfield, MD, in his 1995 book Memory and Abuse, states that all critics he had found of the studies validating delayed memories are members of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation advisory board and states that FMS is rare. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines FMS as "The belief that one remembers events, especially traumatic ones, that have not actually occurred", also stating it is not used scientifically
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Meditation, journaling, hypnosis, talking with others with a similar situation. It also may not have been just one moment, it could have been many over time. It could have been the lack of something that you never realized was missing. I would go with the journaling first, as meditation has always made me feel scared once I get deep into it. Plus, writing things down allows you to have record of it.Health Question & Answer

Hi there is a therapy called EMDR - i forgot what it stands for i used to live in Hong kong and they did it there ,there are some places in the uk that do it- not sure where you live,the first session starts with the thearpist talking with you and they use a process of tapping into the left and right side of your brain- its safe !! they use head sets and you hold these sensory things - sorry my explantations arent good!! but its supposed to be good and helping people that have repressed feelings over many many years,or uncovering things that may have happened.the therapists will be highly trained psychotherapists and trained in emdr, google it and you will find a list,you may fing counselling helpfull too goodluck Health Question & Answer

Perhaps the best way to not only find out the source but also to resolve it is to go to a certified hypnotherapist. It does work, perhaps even better than visiting a mental health worker.Health Question & Answer

It can be easily achieved with meditation.Health Question & Answer

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