What Personality Disorder Would You Diagnose Against These Symptoms?!

Question: What Personality Disorder Would You Diagnose Against These Symptoms.?

I seen a psychologist who wrote a report about me and I shouldn't have seen it but I peeked and she had written "probably ..... personality disorder". This is some of the dialogue that I think may be important for this:

Her: "How did you get on socially at school.?"
Me: "I got to a point where I felt I hit a mental brick wall where I didn't know what made people get on, attract, argue, function together emotionally etc. I became very quiet and detached and found myself informally studying how people function - now I can mimick their behavour and socialise better than most."
Her: "What age did you hit the "brick wall" at.?"
Me: "About 13/14"
Later she stared intensely and asked "timekeeping" when talking about school. I said "it was always absolutely appaling and got worse as the years went on" and she nodded like that's what she expected.
I mentioned I was sexually abused between the ages of 4 and 5 but I can't remember much and I seriously don't think it has affected me in ANY WAY whatsoever. I said I was fond of pranks and they got more and more elaborate as time went on. it was to "laugh in the face of adversity". She made a confused face at one point when talking about my family and it was so staged it was clear she was testing if I noticed her doing it or not. I did notice and said " I know" in response to it. I said I prefer my own space emotionally and physically and get irritable and awkard and feel VERY invaded when I feel it's violated. I couldn't be less violent and, I know you may not like me for this, I have commited quite a few frauds between the ages 14 and 19 and had a heroin problem for 18 months (am fine now though!). I don't like socialising with people unless I build myself up to it and stay in the house for days. I'm studying law at uni and love to learn about psychology as I feel emotionally cold all the time I need to put on a mask of "normality" at times. I am fantastic at everything I choose to do! Sorry for the exhaustive essay here, but it is bothering me. Any questions and I'll answer asap. I believe it could be schizoid Personality disorder after my own research but some psychopathic symptoms ring worringly true. I want to express that I DO NOT WANT TO CHANGE THE WAY I AM - JUST LEARN AND UNDERSTAND WWHY - I ENJOY BEING ME now. I have a cracking sense of humour too! Thank you now.Health Question & Answer

Schizoid.Health Question & Answer

You are making a big mistake looking for a diagnoses on the Web. Doing that is NEVER a good idea. Besides, any diagnosis would not do you any good, you say you enjoy being you. This would make you very resistant to any kind of treatment.
Health Question & Answer

Im no psychiatrist, but it could be that you are narcissistic. This can be categorized as a type of personality disorder.Health Question & Answer

You sound like me =S

If you find out the diagnosis anytime soon, add it to your detail will you please. Im intriguedHealth Question & Answer

Some people are diagnosed with a personality disorder NOS (not otherwise specified) or will have a professional diagnose "cluster a, b, or c" which means you have traits that fit more than one specific category. Most persons diagnosed with a pd do exhibit traits from different types of pd.'s

Hopefully she is still working with you and is gathering information in order to correctly diagnose. Better to have a professional go about it this way than to give you a label right away.

Look up cluster b personality disorder and maybe even google DSM-IV to make sure you are getting proper material to read.

By the way, a person with an undergrad can not be a psychologist (usually needs a PhD) and can not diagnose. In addition, they usually get a BS, not a BA.Health Question & Answer

I just answered your other question. You have a Mensa IQ of 144.?.?.?.? OH, honey, I think you are in the right category but you need to be getting TREATMENT from a mental health professional, not thinking you are better than anyone who is trying to help you!!!! I think too much heroin went to your brain and burned too many brain cells. YOU will answer any questions asap.?.?.?.? What makes you think you have all the answers.?.? OH YEA, I forgot, you are BRILLIANT!!! TAKE YOUR MEDS!!! IT IS BETTER TO SIT BACK AND BE THOUGHT DUMB THAN TO SPEAK UP AND REMOVE ALL DOUBT!!!!!! Ever heard that before.? Good advice, follow it.Health Question & Answer

You don't sound like your personality is making you dysfunctional. Some people are more introverted than others. That means you gain energy from being alone and being with people can be draining, while extroverts gain energy from being with people. I don't see any harm in harmless pranks and a sense of humor unless they humiliate someone or hurt them. What is "normal." God made us all different and unique. Sometimes psychiatrists feel they must come up with a diagnosis and a category for you, but we're all different. I'm a bit of a loner myself. I really care and love people, but if I have to socialize too much or join organizations, I get stressed out. Find out who God made you to be and your purpose in life, and be content. God bless your quest for finding yourself!Health Question & Answer

You are a teenager. You have NO PERSONALITY disorder. Just a stupid counselor who has her BA and should not be working there and does not understand adolscents.
U need to be drug free first of all and start living a healthy life. Counseling helps. Not medicines unless a psychiatrist diagnoses u.Health Question & Answer

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