Am i going insane i need someones help?!

Question: Am i going insane i need someones help.?
I am really freaked out. and i need someones help, sometimes when i close my eyes i see faces and weird things. i do not take any illegal drugs and i do not think that i am a schizo. i must also add that i am very stressed and very very sleep deprived, can this be the reason or what should i do. help!!!Health Question & Answer

I don't think you're going insane. If you're sleep deprived, that is probably why you're seeing strange things. I've had some whacking hallucinations when i've been sleep deprived - a nine foot tall shadow man walking across the dual carriageway in front of the car was one!

You might be hallucinating, or you might just be seeing tricks of vision or misfiring memories. Sleep deprivation will make you feel worse than some drugs! Stress also can cause al sorts of nasty effects, including what you're describing.

Maybe you should call your doc and ask -but I think this is purely a need for deep, restful sleep.

I'd recommend that you take a nice, deep breath - right into your lungs. And sigh it out. Do it two or three times. Sighing calms the mind and body, and gives you space between the stress chemicals to think.

Do the faces and things frighten you because of how they look, or simply because they're happening.? Don't let the things you see scare you - you said you thought you were going insane, ergo you're sane enough to know that what you're seeing isn't right OR real.

If you can, let your brain work through them. Perhaps you should write down the things that are troubling you.? Just grab a sheet of paper and scribble them down as they come. It might give you an application and help you un-freak a little.

Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

No your not going insane. You've just got alot of things on your mind that are not letting you get any sleep so therefore when you do close your eyes your mind plays tricks on you because it knows that you are already delierious tired.

Try seeing a Doctor for some Ambien to help you sleep and they can also help you with the stress your having in your life.

Been there done that and still doing it!!Health Question & Answer

I think it's due to you being stress and sleep deprived. When your stress your body reacts in very different ways. Find out whats making you so stress and work on it, and get your sleep that is very important. If yo need to takesleepingg pills do so.Health Question & Answer

Take sleeping pills and get 12 hours of sleep. I mean it, sleep for as long as you can. As for the stress, take as much action as you can to reduce it.Health Question & Answer

my suggestion is when you watch tv your eyes get used to the picture and you close your eyes and continue to see it dont worry people who think there not insane are usually the ones who areHealth Question & Answer

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