I face lot of problem in my office, i sometimes cannot make sense of ?!

Question: I face lot of problem in my office, i sometimes cannot make sense of .?
what my senior is instructing me to do, i feel as if i don't understand what he is talking about and things that he is trying me to explain. what is my problem or do u think i m stupid. one solution that comes to my mind is reading books involving intellectually stimulating article and solving logic and problem solving exercises, since in a office majority fo communication is oral form of communication and books r written form of communication by reading books and making sense of what i mreading my ability to comprehend data is likely to be improved. do u think i m on the right path.Health Question & Answer

I do think exercising your mind by reading books and challenging yourself to think does improve your comprehension. It expands your mind and your scope of thinking. also, try to avoid worry and instead, tell yourself you will do the absolute best you can to understand, and to do your job. Don't let negative thoughts or negative self-image interfere with being the best you can be. You are obviously NOT stupid, because you're smart enough to recognize issues and take responsibility for changing them. Not everyone is. And you want to improve the situation. An intelligent choice.

Good luck. I wrote a blog on a similar subject, here is a link. I hope it's helpful to you. http://buzz.prevention.com/community/sha...Health Question & Answer

No, he is using technical jargo to show how superior he is.
Just let him rave on,then say
"So tell me what you want me to do ,in one sentance" or
"Can you repeat that ,I don't quiet get what you want me to do"
See how that goes. Just remember he is not communicating properly not you.
OKHealth Question & Answer

I can't make sense of what you are talking about.Health Question & Answer

You're pretty much stupid. Or your employer is stupid for hiring you.Health Question & Answer

If you're new to the job it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the newness of it - people, surrounding, responsibilities.

You are NOT stupid - stop that! People have different ways of processing information - maybe your boss is more of an oral person and you are more of a visual person and that's part of the issue. Learn about yourself and how you learn and what works best for you. Check out the link below for more about this . . .

When you are given complicated instructions, be sure to take notes and then read them back to the person giving the instructions to be sure you get it right. Nothing to be embarrassed about - I had to do this when I first started my job - let the person know that you want to be sure you don't leave anything out and you want to do a great job for them and that's why you're taking notes.

You are right to read more - reading is always a good thing to do. Look for books on self-esteem - that will help you to think more highly of yourself and have more confidence.Health Question & Answer

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