Do I have OCD? How can I overcome this problem? Please help, this is serious!?!

Question: Do I have OCD.? How can I overcome this problem.? Please help, this is serious!.?
I have a lot of issues, and I don't like having it in my life.
I spit non stop because I always think I have hair in my mouth. When I'm dying my hair I'm so afraid of getting hair dye in my eyes, and I have moments where I think I got dye in my eye but I know I didn't and I freak out. And if i were rinse my hair afterwards, I splashed water in my eye by accident and I was so paranoid that I would go blind from it cause i thought the dye was in the water. Yesterday i went to a theme park and swallowed water and i thought i inhaled some of it and later on i thought i had water in my lungs and was so scared. And i have mild anxiety so i get short of breath when i cry and get scared, and i kept telling myself the reason why i was out of breath was from swallowing the water but part of me knew i was fine. I also hate the number 6, 3 and 12. I have to have my tv at volume 5 when I go to sleep. When I pray at night, I have to lay on my right side to say the prayer, and I have to kiss my cross 2 times everynight. And i have a picture of God on my wall, and I have to stare at it twice before sleep.
So yes, I know I have some type of problem, and I can't stand it. It's really tiring and I have to say it takes a toll on my life. How can I get help for this.?
And does it seem serious.?
(Do I have OCD.?)Health Question & Answer

yeah u have ocd, i know bc i have it too..... dont get all nervous for it tho. ive been learnig so much about it, about so many great people who had it (including benjamin franklin!!!) but, it is treatable, with medicine, but side effects vary. i kno how completley stressful and agonizing it is, but u can get help! if ur living with ur paretns (or adults in charge of u...) tell them about how ur feelin, and ur confused, they'll kno wats best for u. if ur living on ur own, then try and see a doctor asap and tell them everything that ur felling. member ur not alone!!! thers questions like urs about everyday on here!!Health Question & Answer

It does sound like you might have a mild case of OCD...It's nothing to worry about. I personally kind of like it :) (not really sure why)
And as you've already mentioned, you suffer from anxiety
There are medications you can take if you are really concerned..just talk to your doctor (haha..kinda sounds like a commercial)Health Question & Answer

OCD and anxiety disorder, both easily treatable with medication.Health Question & Answer

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