Plez help, I've been really anxious and depressed, and feel like I'm losing my mind?!

Question: Plez help, I've been really anxious and depressed, and feel like I'm losing my mind.?
First of all, I actually do have an anxiety disorder, along with being diagnosed with depression, in case anyone assumes. You see, I recently graduated college last May. I have a temp job that last till November, so I've been working my @** off finding a job thats more permanent--the job hunts driving me crazy, just about every waking free moment I get, I job hunt and apply and look; almost nonstop. I had my first interwiew this week, and I think it went well; tomorrow is when I find out the results of what decision was made and I'm soo nervous right now!! I could smell rejection!!--It's like I read the interviewer's mind! What sucks is that I can't control the outcome!! My stomach hurts, I'm all shaky and cold right now typing this. Of course, if the job doesn't work out, I'll eventually move on so theres hope, I guess. But anyway, yea, 99% of my life evolves around money and work, and I feel like I can't have fun anymore.
This link is a pie chart my life, please take a look:
Anyway, hope the link works.
So, that's my lifestyle, could that have a lot to do with why I'm so tense all the time.? I wonder if I just need to take a "chill pill" now before I start going into self destruct mode.?.? I wonder if anyone else out there feels the same way I do sometimes.?Health Question & Answer

I think that just about everyone feels like that at some point in their lives, and if they don't admit it, well, anyway, you have to try and keep a positive outlook, especially when you go to the interview. Make sure you brag yourself up about how good you will be for the company, and list the things that you are good at, that they are looking for in an employee.
And as far as control, the only thing or person you can control in your life is you, and sometimes that doesn't work either. Here's a good link for you to read..
Health Question & Answer

Yeah, me. I used to feel like you, went to my doctor, he gave me a medicine that turned my life around. I'm so glad I did it! No more anxiety disorder for me!!!!!Health Question & Answer

I think it would be good for you, both now and in the future, to actually schedule time that you can call your own.

The balance it gives you will pay off both during interviews and personal health.

Try to open up new ways of looking at things - perhaps your solutions lies in another city, country, education, own company etc etc

I doubt that you'd actually loose something on not spending all that time hunting for a job. Building a social net in say 30 minutes per day might give you more job opportunities than normal job hunting ever will.

Best of luck any which case, both with the job and the world around you.Health Question & Answer

I do understand a little bit of what you are going through. Sometimes work seems to engulf everything we do and we get stuck thinking that's all there is. There's a whole lot more out there though and I think you know it.

It seems like you've got yourself stuck in a negative rut, more like a pit, and can't get out. It helps to think about what's going well in your life and looking at situations from a positive perspective. So, you may have bombed the interview. Or you may be the best candidate they interviewed. It sounds like it may have gone better than you realize.

Either way it turns out, it is also good to have positive supports around you encouraging you in your goals and dreams. It seems like you've gotten some professional help in the past to know that you have these disorders. It may be good to go back to them for direction. If you did not find them helpful, then you could try another. Finding a good therapist also means finding a good fit, someone who seems to understand your problems but doesn't let you stay there.

I hope your job search goes well. And remember, it's not about luck but about attitude.Health Question & Answer

Of course we feel that way. It is certainly not just you. It's a tough economy right now. You have a job now, you use the references and experiences to move to the next one. I know it's tough beginning.
You have not said what you are doing or what your living arraignments are. A lot of graduates are moving home because it is a tough world to start out in. And you are right. Finding a job is like a full time job itself. When you accomplish that you will of course feel much better. Either way, you can look forward to it being over in November, one way or anotherHealth Question & Answer

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