Why do I have insomnia - I'm only 14!?!

Question: Why do I have insomnia - I'm only 14!.?
So I have a tendency to stay up until like 6 in the morning, then crash. Yeah I know, not EXACTLY insomnia...but pretty damn close...
I've been told so many times that it's really weird for a teenager to have trouble sleeping at night. I have to take Benadryl to help me fall asleep, and we only have so much of that...sometimes it doesn't even work. I refuse to take sleeping pills because apparently it can shorten your life.
But anyway, it's almost 4 in the morning and I haven't gotten any sleep. I've been up since yesterday morning at 10. I'm exhausted and want to go to sleep, but I have to get to school really soon. Should I just tell my mom to take me in late so I can get some sleep.?
Or should I suck it up, go to school, fight to concentrate and fail horribly at everything anyway.? Last time I went to school like this, I fainted. I don't know why...but I had to be taken out of school in a freaking wheelchair. I REALLY don't want that to happen to me again...
So what can I do to fall asleep WAY earlier next time.? And if you think I should go to school despite the lack of sleep, what's a good way to keep me awake during school.? I have gym...that's not going to be easy.Health Question & Answer

tell your mom you didnt sleep and you need to sleep, theres no point to go to school if your going to be too tired to learn anything and possibly faint.
when it comes to sleeping early, get rid of the things that keep you awake, like your computer or laptop, lets say you want to go to bed at 9, then at 8:30 shut off your computer and get into bed, if you have a tv in your room put it on and watch something that isnt very interesting to you, dont watch shows you like tho. and dont flip around the channels, just keep it on one channel. definitely dont take sleeping pills or benadryl because you dont want your body to become reliant on them.

good luck!
if all fails go to a doctor and see what they recommend, hopefully they wont give you sleeping pills tho!Health Question & Answer

same problem here. i cant sleep at all. you have to sleep eventually. tough it out tomorrow. then tomorrow night, remove any distractions you have from your room, like tv, computers, and stuff, and just lie in the dark. it might be boring, but you will definitely get to sleep faster. also, this may seem like bad, but masturbating calms you down and makes you more tired.Health Question & Answer

Try to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 6am no matter what.And even if you are not able to, stick to your time.in a few day's time you will get used to it.Good Luck my child.Health Question & Answer

I am 20 I've had the same problem since I was 15, you have a few options. 1. take a safer sleep aid such as melatonin. 2. Frapaccinos, caffine pills, coke.Health Question & Answer

I've had insomnia since I can remember, I would ask your doctor about itHealth Question & Answer

i 1st got insomnia when i was 12 years old.Health Question & Answer

... are you drinking caffeinated sodas during the evening.?.? or maybe you just need to wear yourself out more during the day. try going to bed earlier even if you don't feel tired. your brain just might be racing and not thinking about sleep. it's really easy to fall asleep sitting in class, too. Especially when you didn't get enough sleep during the night.

If the problem persists, talk to your doctor. there may be a low-dose sleep aid available with a doctor's advice.Health Question & Answer

hmmm 14. sounds like you're addicted to the internet like I was at that age. Sometimes it kept me up for 4-5 days straight... if you really want to take care of your problem then try going without the computer at night for a week or two and lay in bed early until your sleeping patterns are back to normal. As for school tomorrow, Buy some energy pills at a convenient store, they're only a dollar for 4 of them and if you take two at the same time they'll make you feel alive through the whole school day.
Good luck hun and sleep tight <3Health Question & Answer

There are a number of areas you will have to look at:

1. Is it your lifestyle like the internet or stress
2. Dietary factors can cause a disruption to your sleep (caffeine, alcohol, smokes, drugs
3. Have you tried going to bed at the same time each night.? This is really important for anyone. Helps establish a routine and a rhythm
4. Have you talked to a medical doctor about your sleep. It is great getting all this on line help. however very few people on line have studied medicine and anyone that claims they have I wouldn't trust!!! There may be a medical condition that is causing problems with your circadian rhythm
5. Despite what people have said it is sometimes useful to take sleeping tablets to reset your body clock and routine. This should only be done after seeing a medical doctor
6. There are all sorts of herbs and complimentary medicines out there, keep in mind very few have any long-term studies looking at how effective and safe they are! Even though something may be natural does not mean it is good for you!
7. There are plenty of good sleep sites out there, check them out after you have spoken to your medical doctor
Health Question & Answer

You have too much on your mind. Workout before you go to bed, try and tire yourself out dramatically. For the sake of god dont take sleeping pills, even if they arent addicting. You get in the mindset that it is impossible to fall asleep without em. Just take some time to ask yourself "what is bothering me, " maybe ur mad at ur parents, a friend, you messed up, or you need to do some homework. Then just try and resolve the problem by talking it over or finishing it is whatever you hadnt completed. Health Question & Answer

Its because or your hormones, you're a teenager and everything is a little wacky right now in the world of teens.

Try exercising in the morning and setting up a complete routine from morning to night and eventually your body will follow you. Try staying away from stress as much as possible as well.

(Its basic psych and bio that teens are more prone to insomnia ... it usually subsides with age)

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I used to have the same sleep problem. but that was only because i had to take adderall everyday and that would mess with my sleep schedule. but yeah, maybe you should go to a doctor... especially taking benadryl will dry out your sinus's and yeah, that's not good. i'm sure your parents won't mind taking you to a doctor, seeing as how your sleeping problem will likely affect your school work (which is your number one priority, or at least in your parents eyes, haha)

oh & i'm not trying to be rude, lol, but staying on the computer for hours definitely isn't going to help your sleeping habits.

best of luck! :) Health Question & Answer

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