Do I have a mental problem?!

Question: Do I have a mental problem.?
Okay like I always feel like I'm being judged and I always wonder what people think of me. And I don't do sports at school cuz that would be horrifying to me. I tried out for basketball a long time ago and we had to do all these exercises and things and I was so judgemental about myself that I didn't do nothing right! I couldn't even dribble the basketball right because everyone was staring at me. And also my dad is a paranoid schizophrenic-but he never acts the way I do. I've heard that this could be passed down and maybe I have some sort of mental problem.? And if I do is there anything I can do to like somehow not make it be a problem for me.? I really hate it.Health Question & Answer

You seem self-conscious and may have excessively high standards for yourself, so you make yourself anxious. But that happens in lots of people to one degree or another, especially in your teenage years. That isn't mental illness. For anyone who feels bothered by such things, a few sessions with a good counselor helps.

Paranoid schizophrenia is a rigid, excessive and persistent suspicion and distrust of others, plus other possible symptoms, to the degree that it negatively affects all your relationships with others. It's clearly a mental illness.

While there is a greater chance that it can be inherited, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will get it. We all pick up our parent's habits and tendencies, because we live with them when we're young. It's normal. If you think that your worries are more than normal, it might just be that you're picking up some of the tendencies living with your Dad, if his symptoms aren't perfectly well controlled. It doesn't mean that you're necessarily paranoid schizophrenic.

The best sign that tells me that you don't have it from the little that you said, is the fact that you're aware of yourself and are asking about it. Those who suffer from it are often not aware when they're exhibiting its symptoms.

If you are worried about it, and since your Dad does have it, why not consult with a psychiatrist (maybe your Dad's.?) for half an hour to understand this condition and the chances of inheriting it. Hopefully, this information will help you look forward to your life with optimism and hope.

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

I think you are overly self conscience also. If you want to try out for sports, try out do not worry about what people think of you, they are there to try out just like you. and remember everyone is not perfect, and no expects you to be. Just get out there an do your best.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like me you can go see a doctor and they will help you out. Health Question & Answer

I think you're just overly self-conscious, which is normal for teensHealth Question & Answer

It could be something i would go to the doctor and see if you have what your dad has!Health Question & Answer

You're a teenager all teenagers feel this way. It will pass.Health Question & Answer

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