Does stress make you physically worn out the next day?!

Question: Does stress make you physically worn out the next day.?
ok so i'm in this physics class i really hate. i talked to my dad, but he keeps on telling me to just take it. i applied as a chemical engineer (current still am) and my dad found out chem engineers get the highest salary straight out of undergrad. so he's trying to push me to finish chem engineering. and this physics class is one of the few stupid classes i dont want to take.
so my dad and i got in an argument about my future. i kept on saying i dont understand this kind of physics anymore, but he keeps saying im just lazy and that im not trying hard enough even though i barely get enough sleep trying to understand this crap.
so as i was doing the homework one night, i got all mad. i just started throwing my pencil and my eraser constantly. i felt like burning the book, ripping my previous homeworks, yelling at my dad, i kept pulling my hair, etc. i seriously felt like just giving up on life at the moment. instead i gave up on the homework and just went to sleep.
next morning, my body felt like CRAP! i woke up 20 minutes later than usual. i havent changed my activity throughout that week. i had no problem waking up before this incident. i thought to myself, maybe the stress i went through last night killed my body.
i just need solid proof if this is true.
so does stress really wear you out.?Health Question & Answer

Oh yes it can! Doctors say it can lower your immune system making you more prone to colds and flu. It puts you at higher risk for cancer, stroke, and heart attack. I have a very type A personality and I can tell you from my own personal experience that it can negatively affect your health and make you feel like sh*t: My last semester in college was really stressful, and I only got like 4 hours of sleep every night cause I was really busy with my classes, a senior project, my job on the weekends, and my internship! There was one week where my professor suggested that I should make major changes to my project along with a tight deadline looming ahead, so I was p*'ssed, and basically pulled an all nighter. Thursday of that week was when I really started to feel under the weather and came down with a case of the flu, and I never get sick. My immune system was probably runned down from all stress and other crap goin on--so there is your solid proof on this! About your dad, that's just how a lot of parents are, they want to see their kids grow up and have the "perfect" opportunity that they couldn't really have. Be clear and up front with him on how you feel and ask if he can help you with your physics.Health Question & Answer

Totaly im a quite stressed out person every day i pass out on a couch when i get home cuz A. Im tired and B. im always stressed cuz theres something insane happening (kinda everything stresses me out) so yeah stress wears me out : /Health Question & Answer

Yes, stress can wear you to a frazzle.

If there is no way for you to 'get out of the physics class', maybe find a tutor through your school that can help you figure out your homework.

I know your Dad has your best interest at heart, and may be pushing you toward what he things is best for you.

This is only because you haven't figured out what is best for yourself.

Think about it for a little while...

If being a chemical engineer is what you really want to do, then just get the class over with to the best of your ability!

I am a nurse. I don't like math of any kind, however, Statistics is a required class for me to get my Master's degree in nursing. I am doing the class because it is required in order for me to meet my goal of becoming a nurse educator.

I'm sure someday I will be glad I took this class...but for now - I'm plugging away at something I'm not wild about...

Good luck to you, your Dad, and your future...Health Question & Answer

Yes, stress releases a great many chemicals and increases all sorts of physical responses in the body. You essentially gave yourself a great work out. Heart rate up. Breathing rate up and all of those flight or fight chemicals cursing thru you. Try meditation to help you deal with the stress and listen to your father. It might also not hurt to take an English or writing class. ;-) ( the last comment was just me being a smart If school were easy there wouldnt be so many drop outs )Health Question & Answer

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