Hearing voices before deep sleep?!

Question: Hearing voices before deep sleep.?
Yea ok, I'm not crazy, but right before I transfer from a light to deep sleep, i sometimes can hear random conversations. Last night, i vividly heard my name loud and clear by a male voice. I have no idea why, I'm just trying to sleep...and once again, I'm just an average 23 year old....and not sure what's going on.Health Question & Answer

you're clairaudient. its the audible version of clairvoyancy. enjoy the ride.Health Question & Answer

there is an actual psychological answer to this, I'm just not very good at remember proper names for things, but, just before you go into deep sleep theres this section of "sleep", your actually dreaming...this is the moment a lot of people claim to see aliens in there room and ghosts and things of that nature...you arent "asleep" but you are...I know this is vague, but I did see it on a special about people seeing and hearing things right before drifting off.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like sleep paralysis. This is when you are almost asleep but not quite and you can have something similar to a dream while you are still not completely asleep. I'm not sure if that is confusing or not...
It happens to me all the time. For example, one night I swore I saw a huge cobweb next to my pillow, and when I woke up completely, I realized that there was nothing there. HTH. Health Question & Answer

That's not mental illness, it's spirit voices.

Now I'm the one who's crazy, but it's 100% true. The male voice calling your name is likely a spirit you know from this life, a past life or the spirit world. When you sleep, your spirit comes out to play (about 2-3 times a week). The point in which you're drifting off to sleep is when you first come out of your body.

Countless books have been written on the subject. See: Astral Projection.Health Question & Answer

I had something like that happen to me once. I was waiting for my roommate and his friend to get back from a club one night so I decided to lay down and sleep for a bit. Well at one point someone or something whispered in my ear. "hey, wake up Im home. come on get up". then it moved across my bed. I thought it was my roommate but when I opened my eyes no one was there. I went and slept on the couch.

I did a brief google search but i just mostly found sayings that your body is more suspectible to paranormal activity when it is in that half conscience half asleep state. so your like hearing ghosts or crap like that.Health Question & Answer

i understand where you are coming from with this.. so lets break it down..

when we sleep our bodies repair themselves. we also process things that happened during the day and try to make sense of things, even if we dont conciously think that we are doing this, our brains are as that what we do.. thats why people dont sleep because of stress..

dont worry about it because it is perfectly normal. Is there anything that could be causing you to hear these conversations, is there something going on in your life, a soap you have been watching, a book your reading.. anything even which we thing tiny and insignificant can cause us to have these thoughts / sounds etc..

Are you taking any medication.? staying up too late.? getting too much sleep.? watching tv or eating late at night etc.?Health Question & Answer

sounds a bit like hypnagogia. look it up on wikipedia or sumthin. its basically auditory or physical hallucinations that happen in the period between being awke and being asleep. i go thru phases of it and it scared the **** outta me till i read some stuff about it. id hear footsteps by my bed and ppl walking around talking that wernt really there. Health Question & Answer

I notice when I lie on my side and my right or left ear is on the pillow, I seem to hear things in the lower level of my house like the TV or my husband talking on the phone or even outside more clearly. I think it has to do with sound waves.

Health Question & Answer

Nothing to worry about. That's happened to me for years. I think it's just sort of a dream state you're in before falling asleep. Sometime the "voices" startled me. Don't worry about it. It's common. Health Question & Answer

I have had that. My doctor says it is a hypnogogic hallucination. It happens between sleep and wake and that some people have that.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnogogic_...Health Question & Answer

probably is real voices, sometimes when I leave my radio playing I can hear the music in my sleep and it sometimes affects my dream like if its happy musicHealth Question & Answer

its probably your dead reletives trying to contact you. Health Question & Answer

It's inner voice not outer voice,get used to it.

It's normalHealth Question & Answer

It might be the beginning of a dream or something.?Health Question & Answer

thats scurrryHealth Question & Answer

that happend to me too!! i just thought it was a ghost...Health Question & Answer

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