Sleep paralysis ... afraid of going back to sleep?!

Question: Sleep paralysis ... afraid of going back to sleep.?

i just looked it up and i think it is sleep paralysis
i only slept one hour from 2-3 and it's 5:17 now
i didn't feel someone is sitting on my chest tho i felt like both my legs were shaking
i trued to speak scream move i couldn't
what are the chances if i go back to bed it will happen again .?.? i'm scared
Health Question & Answer

Don't be scared. Your body actually does this every night, you just don't realize it.

If you get it frequently, look at it as a blessing. Why do I say that.? Have you ever heard of lucid dreaming.? It's basically taking control of your dreams and making it kind of like virtual reality. The next time you get it, stay calm, remember it's all a hallucination, you can't get "stuck" like that, and try imagining yourself "floating" out of your body into a dream.

If you're not interested in lucid dreaming and SP still bugs you, a doctor can prescribe clonazepam to end the episodes.Health Question & Answer

Is this the first time it's happened or is it something that occured before.? If this is the first time, there could be some extinuating circumstances as to why. You may have eatin something that gave you indigestion, that causes a heavy feeling in you chest like someone is sitting on it. That could have caused a bit of panic if you've never had it before which caused a chain reaction. If it happens again see you Dr. pronto. Think about what you ate that could have been the culprit, don't eat it again before bedtime. Health Question & Answer

A lot of caffeine maybe.? My dad is like this after a ton of caffeine and he has a weird epilepsy thing that happened to him as a kid that sounds just like this. His body froze up and he couldn't scream or breath. It scared him bad. It hasn't happened to him in like 10 years but he knows what to look for when it's coming. This epilepsy is not one that is caused by the caffeine by the way, so maybe you have it. I don't know so much about this paralisis thing.Health Question & Answer

I'm sorry this happened to you, they are really scary but sleep deprivation makes things like this more likely. It makes things like sleepwalking, talking etc more likely so please just try to go to sleep.

Most people only seem to get them once or a few times though.Health Question & Answer

omg! I had this three times in my life... the 2nd time I actually broke out of it... first I was moaning, next I was trying to move my arms, then I just gained control... but the most recent one, I wasn't so lucky... I had to suffer untill I fell back asleep...Health Question & Answer

Go back to sleep. It won't kill you. If it happens again call your doctor tell them what you're feeling (symptoms) and arrange a sleep study.Health Question & Answer

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