I can't talk to anyone when i'm alone please help me?!

Question: I can't talk to anyone when i'm alone please help me.?
Hi there

I have BPD (BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER) and ptsd and I see a my social worker 2 times a week and my psychiatrist once a month . I
Just a thought...do you think that the fear of people leaving (I'm sure you know abandonment is a big issue for people with borderline.) might be part of the reason you do some of this.? If you stay quiet the others won't leave you because they know someone has to talk to the social worker and the psychiatrist. I'm not saying you are doing this consciously, but maybe subconsciously...you fear being abandoned and so if you stay quiet or little/young and childlike you won't be abandoned. Just a thought, from someone who was an angry borderline person for several years and had no friends because of that and found out I was using that to protect myself. (But, I was protecting myself out of friends.)

As the first poster said, perhaps you can challenge yourself to talk each time..make it a reward system. Work for something you want. If you talk at each session with the social worker over so many times you get something you want, perhaps it will make it easier. also, is DBT available where you are.? Dialectical Behavior Therapy, similar to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, was deisgned specifically for people with Borderline Personality Disorder and has several really good modules and ideas to help deal with life's problems -- such as mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance (learning to handle things we don't like) and interpersonal effectiveness (how to get things we want from people and keep one's self respect while doing so.) If you can get into a DBT group, I would recommend it.

Hope some of this helps....in the meantime, just be gentle with yourself and keep trying to talk a little more each time. You can do it!Health Question & Answer

I can't imagine what you are going through and all the stress that it creates, I do have children who require special attention. At some point though, I will have to back out gracefully and let them have full reign in their own life. To get better, you need to try to do these things even if it brings fear-then I bet all around you will applaud, I know I will for you. Maybe make a chart and reward yourself after so many times that you make it. The more that you do it the stronger you wll become and then before you know it you can tackle any other issue you may have. Make this a challenge-not like beating yourself over the head challenge-but imagine you are climbing the tallest mountain at each step you take to get better-nobody can do this but you. You husband, parents, no one can climb that mountain but you, and I know that you can do it-yes it will be hard-if you mess up, start back over-just don't beat yourself up. Good luck!!!Health Question & Answer

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