Reccomendations for anxiety?!

Question: Reccomendations for anxiety.?
Can anyone recommend something for anxiety problems.?

I have had anxiety for about two years, frequent panic attacks, sleeping difficulties and sometimes breathing difficulties, I have been to the doctors many times and seen councilor's but it doesn't help much.

Exercise and eating super healthily use to help but my family can no longer afford to keep that up for me.

I have asked for medication but doctors just send me to councilor's.

So, have you got any tips or herbal treatments I can try.?

xxxHealth Question & Answer

Darlin' I have the exact same thing.
I have been to the ER more times than I can even remember , thinking that I was having a heart attack.
Eating healthy and exercise do help, but that alone won't rid you of anxiety.
You need to get Meds. I went on ZOLOFT 10 years ago , I have not had a panic attack since.
Get to a Dr. that will listen to you. You don't have to suffer. There are lots of drugs out there just for what you are experiencing.
Good Luck!

P.S. Herbs and Vits wont help! If money is a problem for you go to a women's clinic.Health Question & Answer

I have had anxiety problems all my life I am nearly 57 now and have to tell you that there is no magic cure.Certainly not in the pills department I have tried them all.At the end of the day the problem with anxious people is chemistry.Anxiety problems run in my family ie mother,aunt,sister.There will be times when you feel on top of the world without a hint of anxiousness and you think to yourself its never coming back,then in the blink of an eye you can think a particular thought and then its back with a vengeance.I am like that at the moment having been anxiety free for about 2 months and it makes me depressed as I feel weak for letting it intrude on my otherwise very happy life.If eating healthy works for you I am sure if your family shopped somewhere like Aldi or Lidl they could obtain the foods you need quite cheaply.also excercise doesn't have to cost a lot of money,the public swimming pools are resonable and walking costs nothin'I walk a lot with my dog and that makes me feel better.You will find your own way of coping with time and I wish you all the luck in the world.Health Question & Answer

Hi there,
I have suffered with clinical depression & panic disorder for about 5 yrs. It's horrid, panic attacks are very frightening...If you can do it without medication then that would be great, as once you start taking it, it's hard to stop. Plus meds come with side effects & the tablets don't solve it all... I'm talking from experience!!... I find that relaxation CD's help me. When I'm feeling tense, or i'm at home & have some spare time, I lay on my bed & put a relaxation CD on. There's tonnes to choose from, Dolphin & Thunderstorm ones help me. Just relax & listen to the CD, I usually drift off & wake up feeling much more relaxed. It's good to listen to when you go to bed too. May not sound your sort of thing, it wasn't mine at first, until I thought " worth a try", & it helped me.
Hope this helps, & good luck. xxHealth Question & Answer

Although I have yet to get rid of my own anxiety... I find organization helps me get through the rough times. I'm not sure what you feel anxious about but I think* if you lay your life out a little bit, things slow down.

Use post-it notes; write small lists without time frames and just know that you have to do whatever it is, sometime. Stick them too your desk or keep them in your back pocket.

Put a dry erase board above you're computer and also write lists or short, motivational phrases.

also... chew gum!Health Question & Answer

I know this sounds ridiculous but I recently bought Paul McKenna's CD titled something to do with gaining more confidence. I bought it as I was starting a new job, with new people (argghhh...people!!) so thought it might help and it really did. Felt alot more confident after listening to this CD. It was very relaxing and I was sleeping in minutes, then woke up as he was counting me back in to wake up, very strange.

Anyways, might be worth a go, helped me out a bit.xHealth Question & Answer

Check out these sites

The Panic Away Method -

The Linden Method -

They are not herbal products, but they are natural methods of dealing with panic attacks and they have helped numerous people...

Health Question & Answer

I too suffer with anxiety and panick attacks and had to go onto medication.

I found yoga a real help, and relaxation CD's a must, they really help you wind down and get rid of those daily stresses!

Health Question & Answer

Drink some wine... it will lower the anxiety. Question & Answer

Take good "pankaj kasturi" Ayurveda rs 80/ good for health and for breathing problems take thrice a day a spoon .This is a herbal medicine

Health Question & Answer

been diagnosed with pnd and anxiety attacks 3 weeks ago started taking citalopram 11 days ago now and for past 3 days my anxiety attacks have lessened and my mood as really picked up so hopefully in the next week ill be back to normal Health Question & Answer

MarijuanaHealth Question & Answer

Please log on to , .It has helped me loads. In the meentime, drink some clippers chamomile tea.Health Question & Answer


I too suffer with anxiety and my doctor put me on Amitriptyline tablets 20mg. They seem to help.Health Question & Answer

Vitamin B12 or Saint John's Wart will calm you down.Health Question & Answer

The proper treatment for anxiety problems really depends on how severe they are. When you get up into the range of having panic problems, generally some sort of psychiatric intervention is required above your standard therapy.

First of all, dismiss the herbal route. There's no substance with enough potency to handle panic attacks reliably. Most of the stuff in the herbal realm is quite low in its power, barely above that of a placebo, and certain compounds that get spouted off about have some severe toxic problems.

You should try seeking out a psychiatrist, specifically one that handles a lot of the anxiety-type disorders. Like many mental illnesses, your general practitioner isn't usually equipped to handle the intricacies of these. Finding such a psychiatrist can be somewhat difficult, and your best resource is a referal. If you're attending college, they have mental health services you can use, at the high school level, your school councilor might be able to find someone. Otherwise get ahold of your local county hospital, or better yet, nearest medical school. Most med schools do research, and have on hand people who either work in specialized areas of mental health, or their staff know someone locally who does. Even your local yellow pages can be of some assistance. What's really important is finding someone you're able to get along with.

Therapy is always of benefit - not just councillors, trained, Ph.D/Psy.D psychologists. Again, one with experience in your area is the best bet. Any nearby university will probably have a psychology department, and it's possible to get ahold of them for a referral.

On the subject of the medical interventions you have, there are really two main choices - antidepressant medications and benzodiazepine tranquilizers. Each have their pros and cons. Antidepressants don't tend to work as reliably, but when they do they tend to knock anxiety out completely. They also take several weeks (2-6) to kick in fully, however their anxiety effects kick in before their antidepressants (anecdotally at least). Benzodiazepines tend to sedate fairly heavily for the first several weeks of use this goes away, they can also have some slight memory problems depending on which one is used. However, they're very safe to use long term provided you don't have a substance abuse problem of some sort - if you do, they get punted down to the bottom of the list of things you try, because they can be abused.

Anxiety disorders reaching into the spectrum of panic are really not things you can handle with tips, or diet, or various alternative practices. They tend to get overlooked, and that's unfortunate, because they can be disabling and extremely unpleasant for the person suffering from one.

Depending on your insurance, and your financial situations other constraints can be put on - county facilities are usually very low/no cost, most psychiatrists even in private practice accept virtually all insurance (though university run health plans can make this a little tricky). It's very rare to run into a service that can't work with you in some way to make things affordable. The fact that essentially all the standard medications used for treating anxiety have gone generic, and are probably on your local megastore's dirt cheap generic list doesn't hurt either.Health Question & Answer

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