Please read - Bipolar: aged 16?!

Question: Please read - Bipolar: aged 16.?
Ok, I have terrible ups and downs mood swings. I feel on top of the world one minute and down in the dumps the next. that is how I feel right now, down in the dumps!

I just started college last week and everything was going fine until we went on a school trip. W were in the coach and a learning disability girl, she looks different to everyone else (looks wise) have an epeleptic fit right next to me, and she was shaking and her eyes were in the back of her head, her mouth was wide open and she was dribbling. I was so scared! It was so scary to watch, I mean we pulled over and got an ambulance, but i cant get the thought out of my head of her shaking and especially her face. She is in my class too and sits next to me. Thats one thing that is bringing me down.

2. I feel like I have nothing to live for.

3. No-one cares how I feel.

Im so sad, please help and Im scarred incase she has another fit next to me, who else has seen one and thinks it is.?

thanksHealth Question & Answer

OK, number one: I'm not sure if you are really bi-polar or are asking us if you are, but most people don't know that epilepsy (like your schoolmate's) and bi-polar disorder behave the same way on the brain. It's just an electrical storm that can be stopped by medication, and it's nothing to be afraid of. I actually have both, that's how I know, but I'm sure the girl appreciates your concern.

2. Make some goals for yourself (i.e. something to look forward to). This always works for me, even if I start planning some distant vacation that will probably never happen.

3. We all care how you feel, that's why we're all popping open your question.

College is hard for anyone, and you're pretty young to find yourself there. That's amazing, let it be fun as well, not just all pressure. See your campus doc if nothing seems to help.Health Question & Answer

your mood swings could possibly be a milder form of manic depression along with associated anxiety which is why you worry about this girl having a fit..... dont worry even though it a bit alarming its never as bad as it looks ...i see it every other day in my work!, in the meantime please see your doctor you dont have to suffer, the medication available is really good these days so look after yourself and dont worry!Health Question & Answer

my uncle is epileptic
and me and my sister had to put up with it from early ages, as he lives with my grandparents.
we were terrified at first, and used to go hide, but as you get older and understand it more, its less scary.

try to be thankful thats its not you, and maybe look up about epilepsy (fits especially) so you understand it more.

dont worry, your a teenager, the same age as me, and to be honest
everyone gets ups and downs!!!
tell me about it

hope you feel better
xxxHealth Question & Answer

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Health Question & Answer

i doubt you are bi-polar, you are a teenager, so most natuarly get depression for the first time - welcome to life. also being a teenager your hormones are crazy so will mess over your emotions. also, who cares if she had a fit.? thats for her parents and teachers to worry about, you get on with your life.Health Question & Answer

A guy had a fit next to me in a DIY store and pissed himself. I then walked home and as I opened my font door i heard the car tires slam on as I turned I saw a little girls body flying through the air. She died in hospital that night.

Life is a random game and you never know when it will end. Enjoy it as much as you can my friend, love and be loved.

PeaceHealth Question & Answer

YOU ARE 16 you have your whole life ahead of you. You can be anything you want. ur friends,ur family they all care about you.As for the girl you sit next to, maybe if u talk about your fears for her she can reassure you and tell you it happens all the time and the school staff are trained for it. Health Question & Answer

first of all i want to tell you that no matter if you feel like nobody cares you always have yourself.

then you have loving people like me...
i care and i dnt know you....
just take some time to relax,study,read,something
when the girl feels better you should talk to her about how you feel and maybe find out why she has these conditions!!!
Health Question & Answer

what you witnessed is definitely an epileptic fit - i witnessed my grandma have one 6 times in a row, and i was the one to help her out of it - the important thing is to stay calm ...
and your ups and downs are just your hormones adusting to change - we all go through that - trust me :) Health Question & Answer

Her having a seizure is not your fault. I once carried guilt I didn't have to for years because someone I knew drowned on his 16th birthday and because he was being mean to me just before he went swimming, I told him "I hope you drown"( I was 12 at the time). Things sometimes happen around us without being about us. I would suggest you get into therapy, it helps alot( I've been going a few years). You might want to talk to people here too. Question & Answer

Perhaps you could do a bit of reading up on epilepsy so you won't be as nervous about it.Health Question & Answer

i think it's really scary, really really scary. But you are 16. you do have something to live for. and how many people have you told about this.?.?.? maybe you should organize a charity or something!!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

not meanin 2 sound outta order or anything but ur a teenager... i am too ur hormones are prob flying out of control and thats y u feel like it and thats jus how it goes unfortunatly :(
xxxxxxxxxxtake carexxxxxxxxxxxxHealth Question & Answer

look mental illness is not just bipolar there is hundreds out there did you being a sex addict is classed as mental illness and so is autism what im saying plz go and see some one Health Question & Answer

that girl had a seizure

i had seen it when i was like 10
at mrytle beach a guy had one because of
those seizure type lights that flash and flashHealth Question & Answer

sweetheart its just hormones, dont worry about it

goodluckk!Health Question & Answer

yeh it makes me uncomfortable but some people are born this way and thats why some of us tries to help them
just think of all the good people that give their time for themHealth Question & Answer

doesn't sound like bi-polar. be happy about thatHealth Question & Answer

my brother did this.

just watch a movie or something and get it out of your head.Health Question & Answer

I actually have bi polar and am on disability for it, (that doesn't mean I'm crazy or anything) point is there are medications out now that can help you a lot. Go to your family doctor and tell them that. I promise they will take you serious and will work with you. They may send you to a psyc. doctor but don't feel bad about it. Bi polar actually shows up in your later teens and early twenties. it can be triggered and it can just be it's hard to say in your case. Either way don't feel ashamed and go get a doctors advice. i'm amy2903 on yahoo so if you have questions just look me up. Health Question & Answer

I have just recently come across Bipolar Disorder because I'm currently working as a research assistant in a bipolar twin study, so it's all new and interesting to me. Have you actually been told by a psychiatrist that you're Bipolar, or do you think you are.? And are you on any medication.?

Do you have to sit next to her again.? That must be horrible to see. I'm so sorry I'm not experienced in this enough to help you, but at least I know about Bipolar disorder, whereas a few years ago, I didn't even know it existed.

I wish you the very best and hope that it will only become easier for you. I suppose it's more difficult to cope with at a younger age coz you have less experience and have had less highs and lows then say someone who knows they've had it a longer time. Health Question & Answer

First of all, it's not a fit it's a seizure. She can't help having them;she needs to have her medication adjusted. She has a disease that is not catching, so have a little compassion for her. Yes, seizures are scary to watch, but trust me, they are even scarier for the person having one. It's not something that an epileptic wants to have. My boyfriend is epileptic and has all kinds of different seizures, from simple clonic(which means that he gets twitches) to grand mal(which is what your classmate was having). Why don't you go to the National Epilepsy Association and learn more about the subject.? Then you will know more about what to do and what happens during a seizure. That will help your fear of her condition.

If you started college last week, you obviously have something to live for.
I think that you are scared and anxious, but you are not bipolar. You are a teenager and mood swings are very normal for teens.

The feelings of having nothing to live for and that no-one cares how you feel are very prevalent amongst teens.
Think about it; you are 16, obviously intelligent if you are starting college, right.? You don't know anyone yet, so give it some time.
There are people who care about how you feel, but you haven't had time at college to have some of those people there.
It's normal to feel all those feelings.Health Question & Answer

Hi. Your still very young. Iv suffered from depression for 8 years now and it has affected me in many ways. I have had an eating disorder for the past 6 years and i have had battels with self harm too. I have a cousin who was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder after she attembed suiside by taking an overdose. shes in her 30's. it does sound like yu are depressed and have a lot on your mind but i dont think you have bi polar disorder. if your having feelings that you have nothing to live for then maybe you should go and talk with your gp. he or she might think you need some medication for a brief period of time or maybe he/she will advise talk theropy. Its very easy for those thoughts to take over your life and really stop you from living it to the fullest. im not an expert but from my experience i would say that you do not have bi polar dsorder buut you are going through a very hard time at the moment and I would really recomend talking to your gp.
Iv only once saw someone having an epilaptic fit and it is very scary. Maybe you could talk to this girl about it and see if she can explain it in more detail and help you learn if theres any signs that you can look out for so your more prepared if it happens again and also maybe she can tell you some waya in which you can help her if she does start to have a seisure again. I really hope your ok. Let me know if you talk to your gp and what h reccomends. It probably seems really overwhelmig to think about talking to a doctor about this but ts notas scary as you might think. I promise youll feel better once youve talked to someone who can shed more light on the subject. Health Question & Answer

To begin with you ask if you have Bipolar, well to tell you the truth only a Doctor can truly answer this. You are at present in a part of your life where changes are taking place, teenage hormones, stresses of axams at school or college, etc... try not to be hard on yourself, think of yourself as your own best friend. Because you are having emotional ups and downs try to understand that it is perfectly natural, you are a human being and your feelings are ment to go up and down, as all of ours do. Remember some people are more sensitive than others they may go a bit higher and a bit lower. If you are feeling over anxious, you will be more aware of the world around you but please try to undersatnd there are some things you can do for yourself, invest in a relaxation book or check it out at your local library what they have on relaxation techniques. The girl with the epeleptic condition affects her and its not for you to be scared of but to find understanding that she was unwell and in need of medical assistance until it passed. She sits next to you in class, make a point of asking her if she feels ok and let her know that if she starts to feel any of her symptoms coming over her again, if she could try let let you know so you may be able to call for assistance, with this in mind you wont feel like you are trying to deal with this on your own, talk to your teacher let her know your feelings. You are young and have a whole life ahead of you and much to learn, much to do, much to love, and much to give and so so much to live for. Life is happy, sad, enchanting, good, bad, amazing, tranquil, ect..ect... Life its self is full of moods, try to ride the waves and swim with the tide and enjoy and learn. I for one care, as I would not have written this to you. Before I finish my words, I wish to say if you do not feel relief from what I have written then please do see your doctor, he is there to help. Good luck on your journey through life, I think you will become a wonderful understanding adult. sending you love and hugs.......Bren.Health Question & Answer

I have, as my one of my best friend's little sister had epilepsy, it is no big deal to you, it's over, why are YOU so traumatised about it, you don't have to suffer through the fits.
This has really annoyed me, you are so unbelievably selfish, as for your you have nothing to live for, I'm guessing you have a family, you are not deprived of anything important as you are on the internet, you don't have the health problems; you should count yourself lucky!
As for nobody caring, where have i heard that before.? oh yeah WINGING TEENAGERS!
Grow up, and i do not think you are bi-polar, just pathetic, if you were then how would we be able to diagnose you on here.?!Health Question & Answer

i,ve had bipolar since i was 14 and i'm now 32. ok it wasn't called bipolar back then but you still feel the same. the way i looked at it was they can give me as many happy pills they want i will just be a zombie with slightly less mood swings so i gave them all up. now i know that this is just depression that i get and in a day or two i will be happy again and try to forget that it will come around again.
i feel for you, but just remember you can be stronger then the darkness of your soul. place a warming light within and hold on to it in your darkest hour.Health Question & Answer

Hey you, don't be so down on your self!
Remember your only 16, this is a pretty tough age, and mood swings are very common in 16 year olds i too found this stage difficult!. Your kind of in that in between stage, too old to hang about outside and too young to venture out (nightlife).

However, this shouldn't just be shrugged of as another 'teenager' problem, if you really feel very down seek help soon!
Are you sure your bipolar.? has this actually been diagnosed.? if not you could be down in the dumps, stressed, anxious, have mild depression, S.A.D etc..

Talk to your GP, your mum or friends and let them know how you feel. A cognitive behavioural therapist is a good way to try a retrain your negative thought path.?

If your still freaked out by witnessing the epileptic fit, do a little research - this may help you realise that it is common to see these side effects! again talk about it.

Do you have any hobbies.? a job.? or interests.?, during your low times try to keep yourself and your mind busy!

And finally, you do have something to live for! YOU!!!! life isn't a practise run, you only get one stab at it, so enjoy it!

All the luck! xHealth Question & Answer

This sounds like classic anxiety and depression,. maybe you should go get evalutated. its nothing that you need to look down on because there is alot of people out there who have the same problems as you do, includeing me. you just have to keep your head up. i know it feels like nobody cares bout you but really im sure theres alot of people who do. Everyone that your close to cares bout you, and you have made alot of impact and impressions on everyone you met. you are a part of gods plan. just hang in there, things will get better. and as for being scared of that girl, that can be normal for some...its anxiety or maybe a phobia. and theres tons to live for, sometimes it doesnt seem like it but there is for real, ttul take care!Health Question & Answer

Changing moods from minute to minute is not bipolar disorder. Bipolar episodes last days, weeks, or even months.

I have bipolar disorder and had my first episode when I was 16. It was a mixed episode (mania and depression at the same time - yes, it really happens). I attempted suicide but my best friend saved my life.

Here are the symptoms of mania:

Rapid, racing thoughts
Lots of self confidence
Talking a lot, talking really fast
Hypersexuality (you feel like having sex much more than you normally would)
Lots of energy
Sleep only a few hours per night or not at all
Use more swear words than you usually do
Get extremely angry if anyone interferes with your grandiose (and often unrealistic) plans

If you identify with this list, then you may be bipolar. If you've never felt this way, then you're not bipolar but may have depression. Here are symptoms of depression - they are the same whether you have bipolar disorder or just unipolar depression:

Decreased energy, don't feel like getting out of bed
Feel worthless
Think of dying, maybe think of suicide
Difficulty concentrating and getting tasks done
Don't find pleasure in things that you normally like doing (people lose interest in sex, the opposite of hypersexuality)

If this sounds like you, but the description of mania doesn't, then you should see a psychiatrist and take some anti-depressant medication.

If you have manic episodes, though, you have to be careful with anti-depressants. They can switch a person with bipolar disorder into mania. People with bipolar disorder typically take lithium or an anti-convulsant such as Lamictal, Depakote, Tegretol, or Trileptal.

Since I can't take lithium or anti-convulsants (they give me severe migraine headaches), I have to take anti-psychotic medications for mania (I take Geodon and Zyprexa), and for depression I take Wellbutrin (an anti-depressant).
Health Question & Answer

Profound .... well, as a guy with aquired epelepsy (from a brain tumour).. I feel for ya... My family have been tormented with the fear of seeing my in a fit again..... thankfuly it's controlled now...... I must tell you that when I was about 15-17.. I was'nt bi- polar but I was VERY messed up.... I discovered music and all that... all very good, and yet crap too.... But it wasn't til I decided to follow my OWN interests that I was truely, and Actually... as near as damnit... OK!.... Life is only as good as what you take from it...and by the way ....people ARE Good!Health Question & Answer

When you are 16 you are young enough to have first-time experiences. As you get older you will get better at handling fear and panic, and become more cool and confident when you see scary things. Not many people your age have seen someone have an epileptic fit - in fact most people have never seen one. I think you could ask your teachers to get some help for all of you to understand about epilepsy. They should give you some information, but if they don't, go to your own doctor and tell him what happened, and ask him to tell you about it.

I am a trained nurse, although I'm retired now. I've seen lots of people with epilepsy. The best thing to do is call the ambulance. The person who is having the fit will wake up anyway, in maybe 5 minutes, or maybe a couple of hours.

When I was 16 I was scared of lots of things. It's part of growning up. Don't worry, as you grow up you will get more experience and be better able to cope with things.Health Question & Answer

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