False childhood memories?!

Question: False childhood memories.?
What form does mental illness take when your remember things that did not take place as a childHealth Question & Answer

This is not actually a mental illness, but there is something called False Memory Syndrome. This is when people remember things that haven't really happened to them and it's a common psychological phenomenon. It's possible that somebody suffering from emotional problems could be more susceptible to FMS.Health Question & Answer

Well this is a toughy. There are a bunch of different things you need to look at here. Children's memories and thoughts really can easily be molded. Its the same thing with blocking memories, sometimes children see things happen to other people and the more they think about it the more they think it was them who had the experience.

You shouldn't let this sort of thing bother you unless its a lot of memories or your constantly mixing things up or blocking memories. And as long as its not happening now. My mom is bipolar and would say things to me all the time and 20 min later be in tears because she swore i said the things to her.

Maybe you had some traumatic memories but you prolly just thought of something in a different way, didn't think about it for a long time and now when you think of it you think of it in the new way.

This sort of thing happens all the time. Ever notice how as soon as one person says a crime has happened against him 30 more people say the same thing happened to them. They have done studies about this mostly with children. A lot of the times kids make up the stories and begin to believe that they happened based on what others said.

But if you are looking at it as a sign for a mental illness, any type of mood disorder is something you should look at. Things like ADHD, depression, bipolor.Health Question & Answer

Don;t worry it is not a mental illness. What happens, I reckon, is that as a child you have an active imagination. Then as an adult each time you remember and recount these stories the memory becomes stronger and you start to believe that it happened. It's like the old maxim 'if you say it enough I'll start believing it'Health Question & Answer

How do you know for sure that these things did not happen.?
If a terrible event happened in your childhood or someone else's childhood then they may repress it.
If it definitely did happen than psychosis may be occurring. Psychosis occurs in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder.Health Question & Answer

I don't think false childhood memory's happen because you have a mental illness, i remember things from childhood, that i swear happened, but didn't!
I think it is just things that have happened in the past and your mind gets confused.Health Question & Answer

was it a bad child hood.? if so children invent things to make there life better - or they bloke out things that happened and sometimes never rememeber other times memories come back later in life - wouldn't say its a illness just a childs way of coping with bad situations Health Question & Answer

I don't think it is any specific kind of mental illness, maybe just a sign of a very confused and distressed person looking to pin their distress on a definite cause when there isn't one.Health Question & Answer

I don't think it's a mental illness - 'psychosomatic symptoms' are when you believe in something so much you become convinced it's true. I think. Health Question & Answer

My friend remembers her father chainsawing the top half of his car off and driving it as a crappy convertable... this obv' isnt a real memory... we all have em... its imagination not mental illness... unless its waaaaay extreme xHealth Question & Answer

check this out.... it might help.?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confabulati...Health Question & Answer

any-one can change their memories of the past with enough workHealth Question & Answer

imagination.? Health Question & Answer

i think its called paramnesia, something like deja vu.
i don't know any more about it thoughHealth Question & Answer

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