How to gain self confidence?!

Question: How to gain self confidence.?
I'm really shy, like painfully shy. ((i have social anxiety disorder)) i love to draw and write, but people make fun of me for that. i also love and really care for animals, but people make fun of me for that too. i personally don't think i'm pretty, but some people have told me i am. i'm not really good at sports, only horseback riding, which people also make fun of me about. i'm really tall, like taller than all the people in my grade, including the guys, which sucks. i'm also really smart, i've always been a straight A student. how can i gain more confidence in myself. Health Question & Answer

You sound like a very creative, intelligent, caring person. It seems as if these people who are making fun of you are actually jealous of the great qualities you possess. Be proud of talents you have, use them, become more involved in them. Don't spend time with those who make fun of you or put you down. Stand tall and hold your head up. Become involved in activities where you can be around people like yourself, such as creative writing classes, art classes, or horseback riding events. You will then naturally meet people who share the same things in common with you, and won't be around the infantile jerks that make fun of you. Remember, you don't want to be friends with people who treat you badly, you want and need to be around those who encourage you in the talents you've been blessed with. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

If your happy with yourself then what other people say should never bother you. You say that your shy but try to be a little more spoken of a person. If you were to open up then some people may realize that your heart is full of gold and they would stop making fun of you. But regardless of what happens be happy with who you are.

Good luckHealth Question & Answer

first off..people should like you for who you are..why would they make fun of you.?
but anyway, you should try to be more open with other people..even if you just start talking to people around you, you might find people with similar likes and even dislikes that you can just talk about. dont be afriad to be open with other people.
i am a horseback-rider and if you are too, you should be proud of that! i lovvvve horseback riding and if anyone everrrrr made fun of me for that, i'd stand up for myself, which is exactly what you should do too. I am also really tall, but people shouldn't care, I am taller than a lot [not all but a lot] of guys and even girls in my grade but they will get taller too! it just means you [and me] had a fast growth before they did..i love animals too!! and i like drawing as well, i may not be the best, but i love it!
don't let people keep you from being confident and open.
whats the worst that could happen.? they make fun of you.? well, if it does happen, obviously it would suck and it would be mean..but you are probably better than that!
believe in yourself.Health Question & Answer

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