So what do you do when you know you're alone, depressed, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it?!

Question: So what do you do when you know you're alone, depressed, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.?
I've been treated for depression for years but nothing helps. I can't stop crying. I've prayed for help. I've seen counselors, been in self help classes, read books, journaled.

I just never gets better. Has anyone ever recovered from severe depression and changed their life around for the better.? Have they found a career they KNOW they're good at...made new friends...found God again.

Or am I even worth the effort.? Probably not...I can hear someone telling me to end it now. Maybe I will.Health Question & Answer

My answer is this. You recognize your depression for what it is. It is a medical disorder and has little to do with reality. Then, when you are alone and struggling, you have to realize things aren't as bad as they seem. You filter your thoughts. You must be on some medication for it. I have had years of struggling with it, but I have learned that I must take care of me, and then everyone else. You tell those thoughts of yours to SHUT UP. They don't control you. You turn them off by rejecting them. I know, my mind never shuts up. I like to get on answers and answer some questions sometimes, that is a good outlet. On a bad day I drink. On a good day, I function very well. Build yourself up, do things you like, as well as taking care of your daily responsibilities. You can beat depression a lot of the time, it just takes major work, and remastering your thinking abilities.Health Question & Answer

No, there is nothing you can do. I am not trying to be nasty or anything, but you should just masturbate and get high on drugs and alcohol. That is what works for me and I have been depressed for 20+ years and tried every drug on the market, therapy, and electroshock therapy. I am literally out of options, and I have tried everything.Health Question & Answer

Don't talk like that! Try doing some volunteer work, like at a hospital, senior center or animal shelter, it will make you feel better and needed.
If you are on medication for depression it is obviously not working and should consider getting a second opinion from another doctor to change your meds or adjust the dosage.
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

i felt that way from 11-14 years old. and i DID get over it. i stopped feeling sorry for myself. life is not fxcking easy. EVERYONE goes through a hella of a lot of tough sh!t. i stopped being an idiot and started meeting new friends that have helped me immensely. i also started to get into something i really i learned about a ton of new bands and started playing instruments. hun self help classes and counselors aren't gonna help you... you have to help yourself. so get of the computer and go meet some new people and find some interests. Health Question & Answer

Help someone else out

Join a charity. Maybe you'll realise, that your an able-bodied person that can help someone out, who are in a pretty bad way.

Believe me, you have to look past yourself to find solace
Health Question & Answer

suicide is never the answer,I really think you need to figure out why you feel this way.? and only then you can fix yourself.Health Question & Answer

You're not going to find something outside of yourself to make you feel better. The first few steps are all within you. They're hard to do, no question, especially if you are not feeling so great.

Try keeping a journal and make yourself put down at least one good thing that happened to you every day, and also write down things you do that make you feel even a little good about yourself.

Then later, when you're feeling really bad, you can read them and maybe see a more balanced picture of what is going on in your life. Make sure to write it down, and not just make a mental note. When you're feeling bad, you won't be able to remember this kind of stuff.

also, start a new hobby you've considered in the past or do something you've always wanted to try. Get out of your current life a little and find some new things to focus on.Health Question & Answer

Whoa there gurl, calm down. If you rly believe in god, committing suicide won't help you there. Seriously, i've thought about it. Sticking a fork in my throat can just end all my misery and i can go in peace and nothing will matter. In the end, i thought about what the consequences would b. My parents would go into depression, my sister will become some emo girl that cuts herself, and have a horrible childhood (shes still a child) All my friends will be affected. now, im still in high school (i can still give advice!) If you have a job, and arent confident about it, take a vacation. Cheer urself up, take sum friends and have fun. Forget about the past, and just focus on the present. About the crying, i no friends that go through it. Just calm down, nothing can happen to you. Just have confidence in urself. God doesnt hate you, he can forgive u for ne sins that you made. Don't feel badHealth Question & Answer

I've been treated for bipolar disorder- it's kept me in line for the most part, but it's treatment, not a cure. The depression was so bad to a point I took an overdose of my meds, poised myself and ended up in a coma - I came to and now I have heart problems. Now there's guilt from that and all the pain I've caused other people. I never thought anyone would care. I regret finding out how much this way...

So what I'm saying is if you can't find any other reason not to take your life, think about what it can do to your loved ones and cause more problems if you don't succeed.
And of course you're worth the effort. It may not seem like it to you-depression clouds your thinking.
What I've done, though I'm not thrilled with life-I believe I'll get there-
I've found is that it's good to meditate. You might be depressed because your anxiety. Whether it does or not, taking the time to learn deep breathing and relaxation.
It's helped me tremendously. And belief in something, that some higher power cares for you - most people I know find it comforting. I haven't got there.

Force yourself to go outside.Don't push yourself to the point you're uncomfortable. Sometimes being outside, seeing a movie or something like that at lesat temporarily has you focused on something outside instead of your inside that's in pain.

Find people you can support you - once you find others who can relate, like myself, you'll heal faster.

Stay away from the news! It's depressing watching it sometimes.

Email me. Vent or whatever you need.

Health Question & Answer

I survived! I had to learn to be honest and take responsibility for my life through a behavior modification program. Three years later, I am going to college, have a good job, new apartment, new car and I love my life. Had I ended it years ago.? I would not have known the good things I can make happen!

Step one of the program: Misery keeps miserable company. Stay away from negative people (or in my case, escape was not an option so I told them I want to hear something good instead of something bad all the time).

Step two: Routines that are bad will continue producing bad results. Change one thing in your life. I chose to walk to get the mail instead of drive my car the couple of blocks. The next change wasn't so hard either, I turned the television off one day a week and did other things. The hardest part is breaking the habits that keep you down.

Step three was not so easy. Step three: Discover your voice. When you want something, speak up. When you hate something, speak up. Let the world outside of yourself know what you need and want.

There are many more steps and each one gets more difficult. It is worth it. Things do not get better on it's own. You make it happen. Medications do not solve problems, you do. The reason nothing works is because you are not making it work. I know it is hard, I have been there. Health Question & Answer

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