Fear of rejection/social anxiety?!

Question: Fear of rejection/social anxiety.?
I'm not sure if I have these but...

I'm a new student at high school this year. It's the 6th week of school. In my other classes, I feel okay and comfortable with the people around me, but 3rd period (when lunch goes on) I just get quiet and whatnot. I feel unwanted. Lunch time looms over my head. Recently, the friend I was sitting with "ditched" me for her friends and today and Friday I didn't know what to do so I just sat in the bathroom. I don't know anyone else in my lunch... technically I do, I just don't want them to not like me or be like, "Why is she sitting here.?" I told my mom this and she tried helping me and telling me that by going to the bathroom I'm just running away from my problems. I just don't... feel comfortable really like at lunch because I don't know who to sit with. And talking to my mom about it, I just clammed up and she was getting frustrated and I just felt like crying (this happened maybe 15 minutes ago) and I don't know what to do about the lunch situation tomorrow.

I also don't know if I have fear of rejection or social anxiety or something.?

My mom also tried to reassure me by telling me that all teens have insecurities... and that helped some but I just don't know..

All help is GREATLY APPRECIATED.Health Question & Answer

I remember going to a high school where I didn't know anyone, except for one person who was my worst enemy. It was a nightmare. I'd look at the parking lot as I walked to school with hundreds of happy, noisy kids, and I'd freeze with fear. I'm sorry your friend ditched you, but I don't think she was a very good friend. You sound like a nice girl. All you need to do is get to know the other kids and I know they'll like you. But give it time. Get into activities where you will get to know others. In the meantime, don't be too hard on yourself. There's nothing wrong with eating lunch in the bathroom until you get to know people. It has nothing to do with who you are. It has everything to do with your comfort level and too much stress. I will pray for you that you will make some great friends and these lonely days will all be forgotten soon! Many people have gone where you are. You're not alone really. Didd you see the movie "Mean girls.?" Well, it's true. Life in high school can be tough sometimes. But I have the feeling you will find your way through this. Be friendly and yourself and you will find other kids who will be nice back to you. God bless you!Health Question & Answer

I know u r shy. i use to be. but, then i decided not to be anymore, and touphened up and let myself be shown. Join someone at a lunch table. Its hard to change from shy to brave, trust me, i know. Listen to ur mom. U sound pretty lonly. I hate that feeling.Health Question & Answer

Do you see any other students sitting alone.? If so, they may be going through what you're going through -- and it would be great if you could ask them if you could sit with them and then you'd both feel better.Health Question & Answer

doesn't sound like social anxiety but you do sound lonely. buck up if you can and eat lunch by yourself. maybe someone will come sit with you.Health Question & Answer

We all have experienced social anxiety and fear of rejection at one time or another. Maybe if you sit alone, someone who feels exactly as you do will come up and ask to sit with you. Or is you see someone sitting alone, try sitting with them. The main thing is to not be afraid of sitting alone. I understand where you and your your mom are coming from, I have been in both places. (Yes, I have even had lunch in the library!) The thing is, try not to feel that everyone has to like or approve of you. You must like yourself first, then I promise the rest will fall into place. When you are in your room at home, make a list of things YOU (not anyone else) like about yourself. Then write a short paragraph why you think these things are likable. Keep a daily journal of your thoughts and feelings, and re-read it once a week. This may sound silly to you, but these exercises will help you get to know yourself better, and like yourself more. Aren't you attracted to friends that have self confidence.? Build yours up - friends will come to you. Health Question & Answer

why not sit where you sat before.? or try sitting
with someone is your one of your classes.?
i have a Library in my school that i can go to
during lunch so if you have one then you can
always go there and do your homework or

and i am afraid of rejection, too. like, REALLY
bad. try sitting with someone that you know is
a nice person and wouldn't mind you sitting there.
try saying hi to them in one of your other classes
and maybe ask them if you can sit with them.

if you DO get rejected, then don't feel bad. it will
probably make you stronger and care less about
what people think and sit at another table maybe
later or just go back.

if they're really that nasty and would say "ew, why
is she sitting here" then try sitting with someone
else. you should never try to get into a group of
people like that.

EDIT: also sit with someone who is maybe sitting
alone. there are probably other people who are
waiting for someone to come up and talk to them
like you are.Health Question & Answer

Aww sweetie... I know how you feel. I had that problem all four years I was in highschool. What I used to do was just sit with people I kind of knew, like friends of friends and acquaintances. Just tell them that they seem nice or cool and ask if you can sit with them. Join in on their conversations, start your own, and be nice. You'll start to make friends.
Granted, this is easier said than done, but you can't hide forever. Plus, each time you do this, it'll become easier.

As for social anxiety... maybe. To help it, just keep putting yourself in situations similar to the one you're in now. Like I said, it'll become a little easier every time.

Good luck :)Health Question & Answer

Get a good magazine. No, not some clothes and makeup thing, get something like newsweek, U.S. news. etc. Read it while you eat lunch.

1. you will learn somehting and
2. If anyone else is interested, they will sit down and talk to you about it.

I know it is hard, but realize that when you are out of high school, out of college, grown up with a job, you will never see most of these people again. Don't expend to much time a energy trying to impress them.Health Question & Answer

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