I've been acting really strange lately...Help?!

Question: I've been acting really strange lately...Help.?
So my moods have been swinging like crazy.
But I like have the urge to talk to someone...like I feel like having deep conversations with people...im thinking because i hada 3 day weekend and hasnt saw my friends since saturday.
There's also this guy who i liked but were friends now and he's on my mind constantly...but i dont think he's the reason. I just have been feeling sad lately...it also rained the past 2 days...but its not raining now. HELP.?.?Health Question & Answer

Rain saddens me too - it always has. I think some people are more sensative and thus more effected by the weather. Try to play some happy music - usually music is a good counter to bad weather. You may not feel like happy music, but it'll cheer you up quick. Or play sad music and enjoy being sad. Sometimes it's nice to just be sad and there's nothing wrong with sadness. Make a list of things in the world to be sad about.

Go on a walk and make big life plans. Write some lists about what you want to do in the next ten years. Find something meditative like this - if you like to draw, sit down for an hour somewhere alone and draw something.

The urge to hug is often also the urge to be hugged! So go hug someone. Moms LOVE spontaneous hugs :)

Don't jump out and decide it's depression. (It's not) There are a lot of sensative people in the world that have a strong ability to be very sad. Just remember - sensative people also have a huge ability to be very happy. I imagine you have plenty of very happy memories too.

There is nothing wrong with being sad. Realize this! For some reason, people are brought up thinking they need to be happy or neutral all the time - NOT TRUE!!!Health Question & Answer

How old are you.? From your post I'm going to guess that you are a teen.?

Know that mood swings are normal as you're going through puberty, because your hormone levels are out of whack, and your body is adjusting to these new chemicals. And yes, even if you started puberty at 10/11 and you're now 16, this could be the cause.

Outside of that, it's still not uncommon to have unexplainable mood swings as an adult. Many things can trigger it; the weather, our social interactions (or lack of), and so forth.

I wouldn't be overly concerned if these moods aren't constantly persistent. However, if you remain in a constant depressed/sad state for two weeks or or more, and have changes in your appetite, sleep, and/or are losing interest in things you typically enjoy (again not for short term, but usually more than 2-3 weeks as a constant mood/feeling), you may want to talk to your doctor.Health Question & Answer

your experiencing carebear syndrome. It is actually quiet common amoung young women. the urge to engage in deep conversation with someone is suggestive of an unchallenged mind. your mixed feelings about a guy you used to like kinda seems like not only do you want to talk your minds content but also need an emotional jump start. you want/need to be acknowledged, liked maybe even loved. you have been deprived of feelings that would balance your life.

the rain has nothing to do with anything. i don't think you are weak minded so im going to rule out the power of suggestion to impossible chance. Health Question & Answer

you must be "depressed" for several months to meet the definition of "clinical depression", and you dont sound like youre there, yet..

depression can involve symtoms including, uncontrollable crying(for the most minuscule things), and feelings of dispair.. many people feel the actual sensation of a "downward spiraling"..

sounds like it may be either a hormonal thing going on, or depending on your location, you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder(SAD).. SAD is very frequent among people in the higher latitudes.. i used to experience it about this time of year at a 40 degree latitude..

and, whatever you do, DO NOT go out and randomly start hugging people on the street, as has been suggested previously in these answers.. that will make people thinkyoure psychotic.. youd be better off finding yourself a person that you can trust not to sell you out, a "safe person" that you can tell your secrets to, and who will be objective in their responses to you..

good luck with that!!Health Question & Answer

maybe you have anxiety. im not sure. or maybe your just going through a stage in your life where you haven't yet found your self. try and calm down a little. maybe start a journal and write in it every day. this should calm the fact that you want to have deep conversations with someone . although it is good to have conversations like that once in a while if people are willing to. then when you want to hug someone. hug your friends, not random people, some people may find that strange or weird. like your invading their space. if its not raining now, maybe go out with Your friends to a local coffee shop or something and have a nice talk with them. i find that fun with my friends.Health Question & Answer

This has been my norm lately, but I do have a reason. I am dealing with a mother going downhill everyday in a nursing home. However, someone to talk to has been a big issue. It seems as all my "friends" have fun things to do other than talk and worry. If you have no confidante, do not hesitate to see a counselor. There's NO stigma there. I just graduated social work and have seen where having someone to talk to works better many times than medication that is unneeded. The desire to hug someone is merely a feeling of wanting someone close...just as wanting someone to talk to. Find them! Hope you feel better.Health Question & Answer

well you sound alone thinking that you have no friends and that it is raining. these deep conversations help to ease the time from being alone agaiin, the more you talk the less alone you are, it sounds to me the way that you think about this guy all the time means that you want a relationship. you feel sad because you feel apart and want to be attached to someone.Health Question & Answer

First off, if anyone tries to recommed psychiatry or psychology - stay clear of it. Their solution is to prescribe drugs that do more damage than good.

If I were you, I would first make sure that you are eating well, sleeping well and if you're taking vitamins, try some out. I recommend taking vitamin C, calcium magnesium and B (there are great Stress B formulas out there). B-1 (no more than 500 mg a day) also helps with mood swings and nightmares and usually comes in the B complexes.

After that, I would take a look at your personal goals and purposes and work out ways to achieve them. Between taking care of your body and then working towards your 'dreams', it can make a sad day turn great. :)Health Question & Answer

Sounds like you're just lonely. Sometimes mood swings can be hormonely (your hormones are going up and down). If you are a teenager, that happens a lot. Someday they should level out. Can't you call your friends to talk to them.? If you are close to your mother or father, can't you talk to them, either.? If you have nobody to talk to, if you have a dog or a cat, talk to them. They will always listen to you and never argue back or give their opinion on anything. They'll just listen and they'll love the attention. You can always talk to God, too. He will be like the dog and cat. He will listen to you and never argure. The hugs. Perhaps you have the urge to hug because YOU want a hug. If you are a very lonely person, that's very possible. There are a lot of lonely people out there in the world. You're not alone. Try to find yourself a close friend. Boy or a girl. Someone you can have a heart to heart talk with. Health Question & Answer

Find some music that makes you feel good (like Five, Keep on Movin') and listen to it lots and lots - make sure you don't listen to anything that makes you sad, music can be really powerful.

Call your friends or someone in your family and tell them that you fancy some company.

Watch something you really like that makes you laugh - try the box set of Friends or some other light hearted comedy that takes your fancy.

Pat the cat or the dog, it's really comforting spending time with a pet, they always lend us an ear when we are down.

I'm sure you'll feel better soon, just make sure you tell someone how you feel, someone who knows you and who will be kind and sympathetic. You just need someone to reassure you - I hope some of these answers have made you feel better too!

xxxHealth Question & Answer

You don't sound strange. You sound lonely and the weather has you feeling blue. Happens to everyone sometimes. Why can't you call your friends and tell them how you're feeling. Make plans to do something. Tell a family member that you just need a hug, someone to talk to. I bet after you get out and have some fun you'll feel better. Good luck to you.
Health Question & Answer

To me it just sounds like you are lonely, and needing human contact. Plus bad weather can put people in a somber mood. I wouldn't let it bother you, unless your 'sadness' goes on for a month or longer, and it starts to interfere with your life. Like you start to ditch school/work, don't do your homework, don't sleep well, or have too much or too little of an appetite. If these types of things start to happen you might have depression. If you are really concerned, talk to your parents or to a doctor about it. Health Question & Answer

Sometimes lack of sunshine can bring on a bout of depression. Did you know that when sunshine hits the middle of the forehead that there is a gland there called the "pineal gland" that does some pretty wonderful things for our bodies when it is bathed in sunshine.? Have you been getting out enough recently.? If you cannot get some sunshine, try going to a tanning salon for a few minutes to get that "good cheer" going. You sound lonely and you may be keeping to the house too much. Look for a project to do, try making a quilt or joining a group to do something. It's always nice to do projects with strangers because it is not always possible to share all your feelings with friends. Try something new. My biggest caution to you is not to translate a little loneliness into a need for a "GUY" mistakenly. A lot of us gals have to learn to cope with a little loneliness in a constructive way- because most often when we feel like you do that is when we do silly things like "chasing guys" or letting someone take advantage of us. Get creative - you'll feel so much better. Health Question & Answer

Ah, I understand this stage. It happens to everyone at various times, usually at young ages of teenage life. I think it might be depression, but it could also be something not very major, probably a minor change in the life. So it can't be that major, you just need someone to talk to, you have urges to be more social, or something. Sorry if this wasn't much help.Health Question & Answer

I think your problem is that you feel lonely and like you said your friends are not close to talk ,this can happen sometime ,thats why we are humans apart maybe you just need to go out ,take air fresh ,meet different people ,and dont think in sad things ,think the life is so beautiful and short ,so better enjoy it .
I hope this help you ,but remeber give a smile to the world .Health Question & Answer


You might be someone with manic tendencies, if you are aware of them you can keep them in check. What you're describing doesn't really sound that bad, but if it gets to the point where your mania interferes with your normal functioning, see a psychologist.

Or, you could just be awakening your inner spirit, and wanting to share with people. Talking about it is good, just be aware of yourself and what you are doing.Health Question & Answer

chill out, i dont think there is anything "wrong" with you, if this problem persists you probably should see if its depression. that happens to alot of people, happend to me, i also have anxiety. oh and did you know .?people need natural sunlight to keep them feeling happy.? also you could try to change some thigns up. try to find what really makes you happy, maybe you need time to yourself to think.? your fine girl, just try to experiment with some different things and find what makes you the happiest. best of luck!Health Question & Answer

These things happen a lot. You're really not alone, trust me. There are so many people going through this or people who have gone through this. It's normal to be depressed, or have weird mixed emotions. Just about a month ago, I was the happiest I think I've ever been in my entire life. We were driving back from Chicago and I was listening to my ipod, looking outside, and I got so happy that I wish I could stay that happy forever.Health Question & Answer

first question: Age
Second: how much sleep are you getting, is it GOOD sleep.?
Third: What is going on in your life - family stress.?
Fourth: Any medications you're taking.?
Fifth: Any medical conditions including monthly cycles.?
Sixth: how is your diet.?
Seventh: has this happened before.?
Eighth: Any family histories of bipolar disorder or mental illness.?

Any of these could play a factor in what you're experiencing.

Finally - how much does this impair you.? Is it bothering just YOU or is it affecting your relationships and work or school or family life.?

Health Question & Answer

heavy mood swings are hormonal or mental/emotional or both and don't necessarily mean you're in need of help. normal mood swings are normal - it's when you do really stupid stuff (sex with strangers, buying more than you can afford, eating too much, etc) that you need to talk with a professional. Health Question & Answer

well, how old are you.? start there. it sound to me like you are in love (or something similar to it.)
for young people a crush may seem like love, to a mid 20s person it may be love, at 30 and above it is usually desperation if you have not found the one person to make you happy.
your passion to give and maybe receive affection is not out of this world specially when you have not had a boyfriend or girlfriend.
being alone does not help. trying talking parents if they are around.
be ready to really express what you feel, you usually don't do that with friends.

Sweetheart go to your doctor have a chat about how you feel its darker weather outside and if you are happier in the Summertime than Autumn/Winter you may be developing S.A.D look up the symptom if its you tell your Doc this is a mood altering disorder caused by a lack of happy hormones the sun helps our body release you may need to boost these with an artificial light its easily remedied your Doc will help if that is the case.good luck.Health Question & Answer

Hey then you go get your hugs gurl who cares what anyone else thinks as long as you are happy and content then i say it's ok to feel sad just don't be depressed yu will see your friends soon enough and then you can get all excited again take advantage of the "ME" time that you have and enjoy it because i kno after a day of being with my drama filled friends im ready to escape u gotta luv 'em but sometimes you just need a breakHealth Question & Answer

to me it sounds like depression. i think that your body wants you to cheer up by giving love to other people.. like hugging ot likeing a guy... i belive that the only action you can do is sit back and wait until your phase goes away.. wait untill the weather clears up a little more. mother nature has a wierd way of changing your everyday lifeHealth Question & Answer

you may have "minor" depression and separation anxiety. It is normal when you are cooped up and bored especially if you are "in love" - You will be alright. take a nap, get up, eat, take a shower, brush your teeth and go out to flirt with everyone of the opposite sex (that is age appropriate of course.) - you are just bummed out. OH! and um, here is a hug! 000! - Now go hug everyone else.Health Question & Answer

I suggest you sign up with a match-making group, or go out to a bar! Group tango class anyone.? Something fun! Meet with a new guy or two and go on a date! It sounds as if your lonely and need a companion! There is some guy out there waiting for someone just like you! If theres a free class sign up! Learn to play an instrument! I see you like rain! Try out for a weather-involved job. Or at that a new job all together.Health Question & Answer

maybe it was all those things you described so now its not raining and you and the boy are friends get up and go out talk to your girls get a new outfit and say forget about it to your blues life's short have fun don't feel sorry for you life's mistakes feel sorry for those who are afraid of mistakesHealth Question & Answer

You sound a bit anxious and maybe hormonal. But NORMAL

We all have ups and downs. Have you been sleeping bad lately because fatigue can feel like that too.

Try drinking a bit more water, cut down on any fizzy drinks and coffee, cut down on crisps and sugary snacks.

Then eat some good fruit and sleep a bit more.

If you still feel so wired after say 2 weeks then have a chat with your doctor.Health Question & Answer

Sounds to me like PMS! I should know I get it pretty bad. I'm not on birth control so I don't know for sure, but I have heard it helps with mood swings. You should talk to you Gyno. But if it gets worse you should defiantly see you primary doctor, because it could be something more then just pms!Health Question & Answer

I think your just feeling depressed for some reason, if you care about your weight stay away from chocolate, go out and run or do some excersise cuz you might end up feeling better... and if u dont care about your weight just go to the store and buy some m n ms, Health Question & Answer

i think ur depressed..it cud be Premenstrual Syndrome or it could possibly be some underlying emotional problems that ur not addressing, probably a combination of both...being a teen is pretty complicated, somtimes it isnt one thing, its all the little things combined as one and it jus makes ya crazy.....you said u feel like talking 2 someone, i'd advise u to...chatting 2 a good friend and expressing ur deepest emotions is a good way of dealing with stress, probably it would also be a good idea 2 get active, do somthing fun (dancing, playing a sport u like.etc)...simple things like haviing a bubble bath, relaxing in ur bed and listening 2 music are ways of dealing with stress and addressing ur mood swings....also you said u feel like hugging some1 alot...its human nature 2 want 2 be loved and maybe subconsciously u dont feel appreciated or loved...do things that boost ur confidence and interact with pple as much as possible (but dont crowd them , it could av the opposite effect- push them away)...if ppl realize ur a nice, fun person, they'll want to be around u.....i hope my advice will help u in one way or another....Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

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