Why do I have such highs and lows?!

Question: Why do I have such highs and lows.?
Why is it that day, i have such extrme highs and then the next, such an extreme low.?
Im a 19 year old guy in first year college. 1 day I'll be feeling really good about myself; i like the way i look, i love what im wearing, i feel alive and have fun and smile all day. Yet the next day, i'll starve myself because i think im overweight although im not, ill look at the mirror and see a monster looking back at me, and then on a lot of these days i end up sitting at home drinking alone.
why is this.? what can i do to change.? i think i might be bipolar or something.Health Question & Answer

There are different types of bi polar. Possibly you have a milder case like bi polar 2. I have it but there are different types for different symptoms. If you think this may be the case you will need to take a mood stabilizer . The most common is lithium. Anti depressives don't work. As far as I know meds are the only way to alleviate the symptoms as it is chemical. Psychotherapy will help you cope and make sense of what you are feeling.
This site has a quiz to help you determine if you fit the definition of bi polar.Which type you may have and also resources. It's not something you can deal with on your own but it is very treatable with a pretty good success rate. I feel better than I have in a long time.
Check it out maybe it will be what you have. Here is the site.
.?gclid=CP2CgtWm4ZUCFQEQnQod2Gb1YQ" rel="nofollow">http://psychcentral.com/quizzes/bipolarq...

Don't lose hope..I know Its hard but you will feel better. Some people are not comfortable with meds but I highly recommend them with a good psychiatrist to monitor them. I resisted them for years and I wish I had taken them earlier. See a Dr whether you fit the description or not. There is no reason for you to suffer any longer. Take care.
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