I feel weird about eating infront of people?!

Question: I feel weird about eating infront of people.?
So I'm in high school and every lunch I don't eat. Or break. And people make fun of me and ask my if in anorexic! I am not anorexic at any level. And it really hurts my feelings because this happens all the time. I just don't feel comfortable eating in front of other kids my age. I don't want them to think I am like this big fat heifer. But when I do eat, people accuse me of being bulimic! I am not bulimic either. I don't know why everyone thinks that I have a eating disorder. I mean I'm not that type of girl. Why do people think I have a eating disorder. Even my grandmother asked me! When your grandma asks you if your bulimic when your not, you sorta feel really bad. Why do people think this about me.? And why can't I eat in front of my peers.? I don't understand can anyone help me.? Thanks!Health Question & Answer

Hm.., sweetie, try not to think too much, about what other people think about you, If you mind every comments they're throwing at you, then you'll never find out why you're in this situation, focus on your inner self, see how powerful you are inside. Tried to remember what happened in the past, Is there any bad experiences that turned you into like this.?, Do you have a group of friends that you confided with some personal things such as this one.?, you know, people that you could be trusted aside from your family & on the Web, you really need to talk it out to someone closer to you, try to be positive, Take your time. Everything will be alright if you know yourself well...confront your deepest self & soul....there's nothing to be ashamed of anything, everybody has their own demons right.?, no body's perfect. so get out there & join everybody, if they have the right to laugh & be happy, on the daily basis..think that you desserved any less than that. Think about it as your favorite slice of cake sweetie, you need to be there just to get your piece, its yours, no one could take that away from you...you know what I meant.?, motivate yourself & such a way, so you could be comfortable sitting with your peers. Who cares what tthey're gonna say....?,Don't Let anybody make you feel inferior.there is a saying.."Nobody could make you feel inferior without your consent", Do you remember this line.?, by Eleanor Roosevelt.?.(If not its ok, read more next time.?) such a simple & inspiring line, but it helps, so heads-up sweetie...Be ready to face the world!!,Be healthy, Cheers. Take care & Good luck.Health Question & Answer

i m the same i dont like eating infront of anyone not even my friends and one of my friends is also the same and you know who you maybe you should tell your friends i did
so just try and eat dont worry what people say i get the exact same thing get called names and stuff like you you know who you are no one else does
hope this helps ?Health Question & Answer

I've been there too. Some people I don't mind eating around because they are eating at the same time they don't stare, but some people will stare and sometimes make comments.Health Question & Answer

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