How do i help my friend with an addiction?!

Question: How do i help my friend with an addiction.?
My friend is addicted to vicodin. He Takes 8-10 pills a day. I cant stand to see him like this anymore. I want to resolve it without getting anyone else involved, but that seems impossible. How should I handle this.? Is telling his parents and the police the only way.?Health Question & Answer

To the person who talked about him needing to hit bottom, that is an antiquated view of addictions treatment. While it is true that treatment is more effective when it is 100% voluntary, it has been shown that interventions and coercive treatment can help. This is because of what are called the stages of change. A good trained counselor can move a person through these stages, no matter how resistant they may be to receiving treatment.
As far as what you should do, there are many options. Are his parents involved in his life, and do they know he is taking these pills.? If so, talking to them may be a useful first step. My other question would be where is he getting the pills. If he is doctor shopping to get prescriptions, I would suggest contacting his doctors and informing them of his abuse. Another Option would be to contact a treatment center in your area if his parents are willing to be involved in an organized intervention, a treatment center will at least be able to point you to resources to help with this.
The important thing to remember is that if you do this it may get ugly. He may say awful hurtful things about you. You may even lose him as a friend. You have to be prepared for that, and willing to trade his friendship for his health.
On a personal note, 8-10 vicodan is not an abnormally large amount. A standard prescription for Vicodan will be 1-2 pills every 4-6 hours. assuming you take the full allowed amount, and you are awake for 16 hours per day, you would take 8 pills per day. Most doctors write a prescription with the expectation of a patient taking 8-10 pills per day. So if your friend has a valid prescription for a chronic pain condition, I don't think it is a major problem, but it could turnb into one quickly so you are right to be concerned.Health Question & Answer

You should inform your friend's parents about their son's substance abuse and it would be their responsibility to call the police if the need arises. As much as possible, don't talk about this to your common friends so as to give your friend a chance to overcome his drug dependence incognito.

A true friend is one who will do what is right for the welfare of his or her constant companion.Health Question & Answer

He really needs to receive professional treatment, which he won't do until he hits bottom. You can create a bottom for him by calling his parents and the police. Just be prepared for him to hate you for awhile. If he is able to go clean, he will likely thank you for saving his life. Vicodin is some nasty stuff. I've had to take pretty large doses of it for pain, and I was glad to get off the stuff.

I truly wish you well. Let us know how it goes.Health Question & Answer

Drug addicts don't take advise from people.
You cannot just go up to him and say, "don't do that!"

If you care about your friend, you will tell his parents, a trusted adult, or the police.

What's better for you:
A friend who is mad at you (while in rehab),
or a friend who is rotting in the ground.?Health Question & Answer

Please talk to his parents. Talking to him will do you no good. He needs help. This is a tough situation for you, but if he is truely your friend you will do what it takes to keep him safe. Health Question & Answer

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