What can i do to help emotional health?!

Question: What can i do to help emotional health.?
i am 20 years old and female. i have a good life and everything is grand, but there is still one problem.

i tend to get overly emotional at times. i realize this and so does the love of my life. it's the one thing that bothers us and i don't want it to ruin anything that i love in my life. i know i need to adjust this. please give me some advice on how to not be emotional as i can be.

im not spoiled at all. is it the attention im getting possibly. i don't understand it. for example: i recently died my hair. i was given some suggestions and tips since it was my first time and i just cried for no reason and it was totally random.

my second question is: is it normal for a girl to want to cry for absolutely no reason.?Health Question & Answer

I think all the things you are going through are a part of you growing up, maturing, and finding your true self. Don't over analyze. Don't over think. Just be yourself and keep discovering who you are and what you want. In time you will find answers to your questions and discover the things that are most important to you. Music, writing, running, etc. all help stress and help your mind. Try finding the niche that best affects you. Good luck!!Health Question & Answer

The answer to your last question is, "Yes, it is normal for a girl (or a boy) to want to cry." However, it is probably for absolutely no reason. It is probably for an emotional release.

Some people are more emotional than others, which is not a problem unless it interferes with the normal functions of your life or you believe you may be over-sensitive. If that is the case, I would recommend you see a mental health professional and get his or her opinion.Health Question & Answer

1) One way to reduce your emotional problem is a workout. It was found out at a University of Health that people is able to reduce their emotion in work outs. For some reason as you get emotional, you start to build this thing up which I had forgotten what it was called, but workouts decreases it.

2) It is sometimes normal for a girl to cry for no reason, people don't need to have reasons for cryingHealth Question & Answer

From the women I have been with I have learned that many women cry for no reason. It is not an emotional problem, its just how women are. It is the hormones, especially at your age. A lot of women hide their feelings and cry when they are completely alone, but is is completely normal.

Some people are more emotional then others, and it is no cause for concern.

How not to be soo emotional.? Don't give a damn what people say, and don't let things get to you. The hell with what people think or say to you.

If it is very serious then it could be some type of anxiety, but at your age its normal. Actually its just normal for women. You would also be surprised with how many guys cry.Health Question & Answer

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