I hate school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!

Question: I hate school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.?
I'm 14 and a boy (I'm using my sisters account) I'm in grade 9, i think its cause i am really bored while their and also have depression so it kills me to go i hate it that much, anyways how can i get over being bored and the depression of going over and over againHealth Question & Answer

I could give you the Speech about how important an education is to your success in life and it would be true. But that would just bore you I'm sure.

Part of the problem with kids being bored in school is the teachers presentation of the subject you're studying. A good teacher will make it interesting and even fun at times. Maybe you can make a suggestion to the teacher. If not, then try to figure out a way to make it fun by yourself or with friends.

No matter what, you have to hang in there and do your best. Because an education really is that important. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

When I was in school, having a "crush" (or someone you like as an inspiration) helps me have the interest to go to school everyday even I felt what you feel when I was at your age, you really tend to feel bored, depressed and all the not nice things you can feel when at school or during classes. But all those happening in your life will pass even it may feel its so so long to grow up.

Trust me when you're at my age already (I'm 28 now and a medical transcriptionist) you'll think and say I wish I should have done better in school.

Since you're 14, find ways to make you feel good like the stuffs you like to do. Music is one best way to make a person feel better.

Don't be depressed, I'm sure there's always someone who cares for you and wants to spend time with, like friends.Health Question & Answer

you will be miserable your entire life if you do not have education. You simply will not have income to live comfortably.

Other folks all have nice and easy life, because they do have basic education. You will eventually find yourself a hopeless loser and everything is tooooo late for you.

You will think about killing yourself, because your life will be very unbearable. This happen each day and this is how the nature clean up the trash and loser in the population.

You hate school.? you are not alone. You are driven and guided by your genetic profile. That is not a good expression for success and a defect that make many people like you having hard life.

You will be better off if you heed the warning. As long as you make you an A-student, your will have the world as your oyster. Do not make any B or below. Must be A all across.Health Question & Answer

hey i totally know how you feel, im a freshman this year too :) we all know school is boring sometimes but remember that you really do need to pay attention in order to do well in stuff, so try to pay more attention...

if you find yourself falling asleep or anything, try to go on a plan with your afterschool activiteis, homework, etc. so you get enough sleep every night, so you can stay attentive and focused in class.

as for your boredom, make some friends! it's the beginning of the year, so if you don't know the people in all your classes, get to know them! make good friends, especially with the people in your same lunch period.

bring things to do. in the car on the way, or when youre done w/ an assignment, or just sitting around bored, waiting after school, have something to keep you occupied. i find that reading is a good option, but some people don't like reading, so whatever. bring a notebook to doodle in, or if you can get a way with it, play a game on your calculator (if you have one) in math.

especially for depresssion, you want to find something, or even someone, that you will look forward to at school every day, to motivate you to go and actually participate...

that's about all i can think of now, hope it helps, your fellow freshie, word nerd. :)Health Question & Answer

I know how you feel. I really hated it myself. I am in my 40s today and when I think back to those highschool days,, it is like, "I can't believe
that I got through it".

I would suggest talking to the school counselor. also, you could get
involved in a sport or school activity or club that interests you that could help take the boredom away.

I wish you the best. I know it seems like school will never end but graduation comes very quickly and before you know it, you will be looking back on these days.Health Question & Answer

i tottally feel your pain im 16 and in grade 11 and i hate it so much
i hate being there
i'm constantly looking at the clock to see when the class is over
i don't even pay attention in class and i hate going over and over again
im constantly absent too i hate it Health Question & Answer

i know how you feel. i'm in 12th and i've had depression since i was in 10th grade. i usually just try to take easy classes and pay at least a little attention so i know kinda whats going on. and once i get home i usually just sleep or relax and try to forget about it.Health Question & Answer

head up and keep putting your foot in front of the other. pick em up, put em down.

school is boring and always will be, and so repetitive i feel the need to kick someones crotch, but its not that bad.

try and focus on something at the end of the day to look forward too.Health Question & Answer

I think as you get older, youll understand that you NEED to go to college and do WELL. how else can you pay for food, electricity, water etc. .? i know it sounds boring an all, but do your best and try! trust me, youll get over it. or maybe it could be because your lazy. idkHealth Question & Answer

Hm mm, funny, you seemed to have answered this same question to a person on a different account three times.? Not cheating, are we.?Health Question & Answer

maybe you should talk to the school counseller or talk to your parents about this.Health Question & Answer

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