I think i might have an Eating disorder! Can someone help?!

Question: I think i might have an Eating disorder! Can someone help.?
I never eat in the mornings.I don't ever eat lunch.Sometimes i will eat a granola bar or two but nothing else.I never really eat during the day.And i dont crave anything at night..I don't crave junk food anymore..And when it comes to dinner i dont eat much.I will pick at my food! From what I've noticed all i drink is Coffee,tea,and water.And Rarely a soda.
Do you think I have developed a eating disorder.?Or do you think its just a stage.? Its been going on for about a month.And I am just now thinking i might have a eating disorder.Im not throwing my food up..But im just not eating like i used to.Please answer!Health Question & Answer

Is there any pressure in your life lately.?
Or something that made you sad.?
Being concerned about it though means you are in the right way.
If none of the above matches, then you should see if there has been any change in your metabolism. Changes like that are due of various of reasons. How old are you.?
That could happend in your teenage years, in 25-29 and then again around 40 years old etc.
If you also smoke or started smoking that could be one of the causes too.
Eat your favorite foods, and try to prepare them yourself. That will make your mind adjust to the food in a way that would seem more like a plesure rather than a need.
But you should inform your folks. They can see the difference, and politely make you get interested in your health again.
tip: while you eat, eat slowly, (about an hour in lunch or dinner), mix juices and make your own personal drink, realise that what you eat is good for you and lifts your energy up. Avoid eating in front the tv, you'll eat more, faster and the body won't be able to take the 'good stuff' out of the food.
Take your time, and chill out. Assosiate food with something good. Like when you listen to music or chill out time, grab a sandwich! Eat as much as you like in the beginning, some days later you'll gain your appetite again.
oh! never eat just 'one thing', e.x. when you eat meat, eat something green too, just a bit, enough to make your plate look colourful, it's prooved that human are attracted to colourful food especially red, that's why all that food brances have red in their labels. To make your appetite stronger.
Hope it helps!Health Question & Answer

do you think your fat..do you not want to eat.?..i have a eating disorder and its about the thought process..but even if you don't think your fat you still have a problem and it needs to be address..but idk im not a doctor..but just listen to me its not fun and it will kill you and ruin your life..ohh and hospitals suck so i reconmend getting help and doing something about itHealth Question & Answer

ummm if ur practically not eating anythign during the day than whether you have a eating disorder or not thats still really scary and you should do something about it...... have you ever dieted on purpose because of any reason like ur fat.? and you think you need to lose weight.? if u have than maybe because of that you have got yourself used to not eating and now your body really doesnt crave food....... i suggest go see a doctor this is a problemmmm

hope i helped :)Health Question & Answer

You seem to be going thru a stage because you are not mentioning that you think you are fat and are starving yourself. I go thru phases like that, i wouldn't worry about it unless it persists for a long time.Health Question & Answer

you might just be in a stage where you are growing or not meaningly losing or gainning weight it should straighten out later...You should be fineHealth Question & Answer

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