Help me with my problem?!

Question: Help me with my problem.?
A few weeks ago before school startedi could only sleep at 3-4am because of anxiety problems.My anxiety problems are more complex than others, mine are about stuff like 'No afterlife' or 'Why i'm the only one who thinks like this'.Lately ive been ok and sleeping at 12:30 or so cuz school is my schedule.But just recently ive been having these thoughts again, how can I get myself to forget about them and sleep.Oh and my anxiety problems are also about agingI'm rly young right now and i keep thinking about me being like 39 and wanting to reset my life, but can't.So i want to just end my life, now, to prevent further agony.Health Question & Answer

If you end your life, you'll never make it to 39 to see if you have regrets or not! I've thought of "deep" things like death and no afterlife for more years than you have been alive and no one knows the answers. We are all in the same boat. Two things help me. If I can't sleep, I don't TRY to sleep. Use your imagination (corny but true) while you are lying there to put yourself where you want to be. Get detailed, you have no limits. This is actually a good break for your brain. You may even forget about not sleeping and fall asleep anyway. Or, I just breath deep and slow from my stomach and keep doing that until I have relaxed and shifted gears.
This may sound dumb or weird but it's worth a try, right.?
Talk to someone who will listen about your thoughts, help is out there if you look. Best wishes.Health Question & Answer

The answer to all your questions is "so what" With every thought or feeling tell yourself so what.If your thoughts with that and pick up one of your school books instead. You'll do better in school, get more sleep and really what does any of it matter when it comes down to it.?Health Question & Answer

when it affects your life this bad-you need help.

Do you have OCD.?

tell mom/dad you need help, the doctor will help you; he/she will probably refer you to get some help. You have a better chance of getting better now then letting it go. OCD untreated is very, very bad thing.
Health Question & Answer

You're whole life is ahead of you!
you have endless possibilities to enrich peoples lives and change the world. Don't you want to know what you are capable of achieving.?Health Question & Answer

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