Has anyone in your family commited suicide?!

Question: Has anyone in your family commited suicide.?
I am wondering how you coped with it.? It has been 5 months since my sister shot and killed herself. Not a day goes by that she isn't in my thoughts. I am just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.Health Question & Answer

My cousin took his life at the age of twenty eight. That year was literally hell for me and my family. My Aunt was sad, depressed and sick. She kept thinking why didn't she see this coming.? It was awful for us. I never thought I could think of him and not be really sad. You never get over a death like this. Never. Sometimes it helps to have a friend or support group to help you through this. I didn't have anything like this. I eventually ended up talking to my grandmother. She understood my need to talk about him. Take one day at a time. See someone if you think it will help. There are many out there in the mental health field that can help and take care of yourself. Writing in a diary or journal can help too. It has for me.Health Question & Answer

I wish I could tell you I knew what it was you were feeling, but I have never had anyone in my family kill themselves. And Im sorry you experienced this terrible loss. Sisters are soo special, you shouldnt have had to deal with this. In my opinion, you are so strong. Im sure your sister is watching over you every second of every day, and Im sure she loves you soo much. She'd want you to be happy and she'd want you to live your life to the fullest. It doesnt seem fair, does it.? But she made a choice. And shes in a safe and comforting place, and she wont leave your side. No matter what, when your in school or at home, or crying because you miss her. Shes going to be right there, next to you. Loving you. Because shes still your sister. And a sisters love is forever. Remember these words, because a loss of a loved one, no matter who it is, is tragic. But youve been so brave. Your never alone. Good luck sweetie, Im soo sorry. Health Question & Answer

my friend killed herself a couple years ago.
And let me tell you --- it still haunts me. For so long i drove myself into depression thinking that i couldve saved her. That if i had noticed - if i hadnt been so preoccupied with my life she would still be here. That if i had said what i never had the time to say she wouldnt have done that... you get the point... but the thing is - it wasnt my fault. And there wasnt much i couldve done. She hid it well.
And what did my depression solve.? Nothing. It just put all my friends and family through the same anxiousity i felt close to around her death. I just hurt my friends and family that much more.
And as awful as that whole year of my life was -- it really did help shape me as a person. Now I'm "back on track" and so much stronger and intuitive. And i have a goal -- I'm therapist so i can help those like my friend and try to save them because i couldnt save her. I've saved so many more lives. But never ever will i forget her. and dont forget her. never forget -- but do move on
Health Question & Answer

My brothers death was ruled suicide, but we still believed he was murdered. THe only thing wrong looking on his body was a bash to the head. The interesting thing is 2 men who we believed were responsible a few years after his death, died 2 weeks of each other with head related injury/illness. I guess they reaped what they sowed.

His dead was sudden and he was only 24.Health Question & Answer


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