Cutting myself depression or not?!

Question: Cutting myself depression or not.?
i have truble at home and at school i think that i dont want to go on living but at the same time i do im always cuting myself i wana tell my parents but they wouldent understand what can i do

ps. i only have one person that relly understands and can talk to about it but no matter what i cant get myself to feel betterHealth Question & Answer

Hey, I understand how you feel. Life isn't perfect. True, cutting yourself really gets rid of emotional pain, but it's extremely unhealthy.

What I do is get a rubber-band that stretches a lot, and flick myself hard with it when I feel like hurting myself.

Please don't comitt suicide. That's only running away from reality. You'll lose everything. Everyone. Not to mention how much your friends and family would miss you.

If you need anymore help, don't hesitate to contact me.

xoxoHealth Question & Answer

You need to find a person who is not close to you. Someone you can open up to. Find a Psychologist or Psychiatrist you can talk to. If you are still in school go to your counselor, and ask for help. If you are religious, go to your church. You can even call your local suicide help line and talk to them.

I deal with cutters every day, it is a form of release. Medication can help relieve your stress. If you don't get help, you will scar yourself. The scars don't go away.

There are times that cutters do go to far and don't get the needed help in time. and that is unfortunate, they cut too deep and because no one knows what they do , or why they do it - life is ended.

Cutting is not a suicide gesture, it is a way of relieving stress. Only a professional can help with this.

Please get help. before you are scarred permanently, or dead.Health Question & Answer

by telling your parents they can get you the help you needed. It they won't listen tell teacher/counselor, etc, till you get help. It's hard, but you have to do it. It seems that you are having a hard time coping in life and someone else needs to help you. You need a therapist-who knows how to handle these situations. Finding the root of what is triggering this behavior would be helpful. A professional can help you with that. Stay in therapy till you get better.
Please realize you are not alone, many, many kids have issues. You may find that there is an underlying mental health issue. Like this cutting happens to releave some bad thoughts-well, OCD is very similar with needing a compulsive behavior to get the obsessive thought out. BUt it could be something else. Of course you can't get yourself better, you need someone else-remember, this is your life and you have only once to live. Then when you get all better you could help someone else get better. Really, it doesn't matter if they don't understand-they need to have a slap of reality. I didn't understand my daughter's OCD and I have hard times dealing-but as a parent, it's my job, it's my responsibility. Your parents would much better get this news than find you dead-so please get some help.Health Question & Answer

The second answerer needs to read this too. He/she's being a whiner and needs help too.

you CAN talk to your parents. they CAN help. Or go to a school counselor. You do need help. It's blunt but true. It's a good thing that you don't really want to commit suicide, but that doesn't mean that you're not depressed. Talk to an adult. A friend is a good person to talk to, but so far they're not doing much to help. If they're not going to tell anyone about you and your depression then you'll have to tell someone.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but it is true. You can't wait forever either, you should tell somebody as soon as possible. Somebody that will help you. Keep your friend around, too, so that you'll have somebody by your side. In order to stop your cutting, go with the advice the first answerer gave you. Use the rubber band for now. Gradually slow the times you snap your wrist. You should be able to stop fully eventually.

Good luck, I have the highest hopes for you. Try to smile always. =]]]]]

Contact me if you need any help. My info's on my profile.Health Question & Answer

me and u can be friends because i am in the same boat i feel like nothing like im a mistake but i know im not i dont no eaither your lucky you have at least one person to talk to i have NONEHealth Question & Answer

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