What are some common first counselling session questions?!

Question: What are some common first counselling session questions.?
Would "do you/have you ever have suicidal thoughts" be one of them.? What other questions are common.? Do you just give a short answer or what.? Yes/No. Health Question & Answer

Psychologists will want to know why you are visiting them first of all.

But mainly, they will ask about your background, and what's going on in your day-to-day life. They will want to find things out about your past and about things going on right now that could be triggering whatever is going on.Health Question & Answer

counslers want details. they are not gunna tell anyone but its better to open up as much as you can. they wont ask the suicidal question ii dont think unless they have a reason to like you are seeing them cause you self harm or whatever. they will probably ask "Why are you here.?" and ask like how you felt after you tell them something that happened. its no big. just they are an expensive person to lie and or not open up to.Health Question & Answer

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