I have a friend with depression and maybe bipolar HELP!!!! ?!

Question: I have a friend with depression and maybe bipolar HELP!!!! .?
I have known this girl for about a year now and she has depression and possible bipolar and within the year I have know her she seems to be getting a lot worse. I haven't talked to her much in the last two months but last night a friend of ours called and was very worried about our friend. She told me she is talking all kinds of crazy stuff and saying she wants to die and she won't even leave her apartment. We keep trying to get her help but she won't let us or anyone else help her and she keeps getting on and off antidepressants without advice from doctors and some of the side affects from those antidepressants are really bad. We are very scared something might happen to her and we want to get her help but what can we do if she won't let us help her.? Health Question & Answer

Bottom line: you can't.
I'm not saying don't try--I'm saying it won't work. I just went through this with a mentally ill friend of mine--and it destroyed a five-year friendship. You cannot MAKE a person want help, you cannot help someone who will not help themselves, and with bipolar, particularly, it's very difficult to get through to the person when they are in their depressive phase--it's one of the things that makes this type of illness so difficult for friends and family.

That is pretty much the limit of what you can do--make sure her family knows how bad she is. If she has no family, or they aren't supportive, then see if you can call her mental health provider and let them know she's threatening suicide (if she is.) Unfortunately, this may not work either. You may not be allowed to interfere. (this is really up to her, if she's an adult.)

I wish I had some better news or advice for you--unfortunately, this is one of those things where you almost must stand by helpless as it happens...because there is almost nothing you can do. I'm very sorry you have to go through it. It hurts and it's very difficult to see a person break down like this.

If you can, just keep on standing by her emotionally, if not literally. When she comes out of this depressive phase, she'll be grateful. Then try talking to her about putting a system in place for helping her when she goes down again.

Health Question & Answer

get her parents/family involved and get her on pills FAST.Health Question & Answer

get her off the meds, tell her parents, and get her to a therapist...ASAPHealth Question & Answer

Since the girl isn't in her right mind, you guys have to take charge and help her help herself. Try getting her to talk to you and explaining specifically why she wants to die. And, why she isn't happy. Get her to talk about her feelings and what it is that she may want, need, be afraid of, or have insecurities about. But take charge. Don't pet her. But listen to her. Don't interrupt her. Get her to talk. Whoever she is closest to, tell them to talk to her and to tell the girl that he/she loves her and that he/she needs her. Make her laugh. Get her to "help" you help her. Ask for her advice or opinion. Get her talking and thinking about something other than her issues - which she may be feeling a great pain about. Help her ease that pain.

But, in the meantime, I would be letting her parents get involved. But make sure that you do it in a way so that you don't violate her trust in you. You don't want her to be suspicious of you or lose that true friendship even though you are a good friend who's trying to help.

But, try talking to her until her family gets there to pitch in and help.

Take care, and I hope everything works out for you, man, for real.Health Question & Answer

Well to me sounds like she is depressed and not bi polar. She needs to get on meds and stay on meds that a doctor gives to her. I know I had a problem with staying on medication that I was given by doctor cause I started feeling better. also some medications you take for depression if you suddently stop taking them can make the feelings of depression much worse and can even make it look like the person is bi-polar. I would suggest getting friend to Doctor and explain to friend that you have concerns and would like to see them better.Health Question & Answer

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