Why is it impossible for a depressed person to just snap out of it? ?!

Question: Why is it impossible for a depressed person to just snap out of it.? .?
What if the person is depressed for let's say 4 months but he did it on purpose. I mean he could change anytime but he didnt becoz he wants to solve the problem. Would it be impossible for him to just snap out of it when he finally understood the problem.?.?.?
If not, why.? is it coz he is depressed for 4 months.? and a lot of things happened that time and coz its a serious illness.?.. but what if he knows that all these are inappropriate feelings.? Would it still be impossible for him to snap out of it.?!.? PLEASE HELP... im not diagnosing myself or anythings im just asking here:)Health Question & Answer

there are 2 kinds of depression.

One is caused by events, and most people get over them fairly quickly. If some one would choose to dwell in the the negative feelings and not move on emotionally in a healthy manner, yes that person could chose to snap out of it and deal with or let go of the issue.

The other kind of depression is clinical depression caused by the brain not functioning correctly. It is not different then the pancreas not working right in someone with diabetes.....can just "snap out of it" and be better by will. Controling things that can influence it can help some, but medication really is needed to come out of it.

And the other thing is the 2 kinds of depression feel very different.....if you have only experienced "normal" situational depression (someone dieing, losing a job or such) you can not comare it to clinical depression.....it feels very different then it.Health Question & Answer

People don't just stay depressed on purpose. Sometimes there really is no explanation to why people become clinically depressed. I don't think you can just snap out of depression like that. Pills might not necessarily be the answer for all people and sometimes just talk therapy has helped-not always. Most people with a mental illness understands that it is not normal to feel the way they do, they just don't know how to get better. Some people will not even seek medical attention because they feel that their problems should be an easy fix. They think that it is just in their head.Health Question & Answer

There is no such thing as being depressed on purpose. Depression is a real illness that effects millions of people and they don't ask for it to happen. To be depressed "on purpose" is simply crying out for attention. Its more of a self esteem problem if anything. What problem could you possibly solve by being depressed on purpose.? I think in this situation this person should stop fooling themselves and feeling sorry for themselves and realize you only live once. Cheer up and be grateful for what they have and have been given. Go have fun be a leader and be confident. Don't look for sympathy if you don't deserve it.Health Question & Answer

Okay have you ever been depressed before.?

Well (sarcastically speaking) if you HAVEN'T it's not something you can just "snap out of", and it is not impossible.

Some people weren't raised with the right tools to emotionally help themselves.
Some people do it for attention.
Some people flat out have little or no motivation to help themselves or get help.

Your friend needs to either figure this out himself (which will make him stronger) or he needs someone to give him those tools. He needs support and good advice.Health Question & Answer

You said the person "did it on purpose' , that is not depression (clinical depression) that is down in the dumps, feeling low, stressed to sadness. These moods can be "snapped out of". Depression is more chemical and medical.
My dad died and I was sad for months, my sister is depressed already, 11 yrs later she is still on meds.Health Question & Answer

I'm not sure I understand you...how did he do it on purpose.? Depression isn't a choice, something you do to yourself. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain. Therefore, a real illness that is not just "snapped out of".Health Question & Answer

oh yea coz it is a choiceHealth Question & Answer

Depression is a huge deal. People who have never suffered from it don't understand what those of us who have suffered from it, go through.
Doctors tend to say that it is a chemical imbalance in the brain which causes the depressive thoughts and feelings. It can make you feel down and out and make you not want to do everyday things. What I don't understand about this is you say "but he did it on purpose. I mean he could change anytime but he didnt becoz he wants to solve the problem"... true depression isn't something you can just cause yourself to have. You might have depressive thoughts at times but I don't think he is truely depressed if he can just snap himself out of it.
The best thing he can do for himself is to see a doctor or a therapist and talk through the issues. Sometimes you just need to get someone you don't know and who can understand what you are going through to give you a fresh perspective on your situation.
Good luck!!Health Question & Answer

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