Suspected personality disorder....?!

Question: Suspected personality disorder.....?
Ok, well it just came up to me that a few years ago my GP (who isn't my GP anymore) thought I should get checked out for BPD (borderline personality disorder) but I didn't until now, realised I should actually. So I'm at college now, and they are offering counselling, could these people possibly determine whether I have BPD or not.? Or is this like a specialist thing.? I don't want to talk to my GP, I don't trust him. And also, if it turns out that I have BPD can I still be left untreated.? Or do I get referral to a psychologist.? I don't think I want to get actual counselling, I just want to know whether I have it or not.Health Question & Answer

BPD is a label applied to people by a Psychiatrist, it usually signifies that the sufferer has had a tormented childhood of one kind or another, abuse in childhood and messed up messages form those who should have raised or nurtured you is common. Symptoms in adulthood include a fairly constant, wavering mood with real extremes of emotion, a tendency to self harm in one form or another, a real difficulty with close relationships with a tendency to really need people and yet push them away in dramatic ways at the same time. The best route for treatment is psychological therapy, either one to one or in a group. Drugs can help but are not the only answer. The key is how disturbed you feel by your condition and whether you can tolerate making changes in therapy which can extremely difficult and painful. I would advise you think long and hard about it and if change is what you really want, ask your GP for a referral to a Psychiatrist and be honest about why.
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I think only a psychiatrist can diagnose you, a counsellor doesn't have the right trainig. However if you just want a diagnoses but no treatment then i would advise letting it go. Getting diagnosed was the worst thing that ever happened to me, i've definatley got worse since and am finding it hard to get a job and into uni because of my medical records. If you decide you do need some help then i would find another GP and get a referal to a psychiatrist, getting a diagnoses may still take some time, but they'll know how best to help you.Health Question & Answer

You should be very very careful. I'm not familiar with what BPD is but they try to tell a lot of people they have all sorts of problems that they don't so that they can sell them drugs to fix it. More and more people are becoming psychologists and psychiatrists, Funny how as the demand from patients goes up so does the number of people being diagnosed with all these things. The side effects can be very bad. Especially if you have been living with no problems then I wouldn't advise trying to see if you have "disorder"
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Hey. BPD can't be medicated. You just have to learn how to deal with your emotions. A counselor can diagnose you (at least here in Iowa) and refer you to a psychiatrist- but it isn't necessary since no medications can "cure" it. Be careful getting put on anti-depressants. Shrinks tend to do that for BPD people, but it only makes them manic, and bi-polar symptomatic. Good luck, and just know- I have been right where you are. Health Question & Answer

The counselor will refer you to a psychiatrist who can diagnose you.

There isn't treatment per se, but you do need training. I was married to someone with BPD and it's very hard on everyone around you. You might be able to learn ways to behave so that everyone will not abandon you. My ex is all alone at 50 years old. Even his own mother won't speak to him anymore.
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BPD is not something physical and I don't think a GP would diagnose it. Yes, counselors can help you with it. If it is left untreated it could get worse and you could end up with problems in lots of areas in your life. (relationships, work, behavior etc)Health Question & Answer

this is a Specialist thingHealth Question & Answer

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