Life's not going to well right now. Please help! What can I do?!

Question: Life's not going to well right now. Please help! What can I do.?
Hello. I'm in my 4th year of college. I took a test in Physical Chem & got a 5/103....yikes. I really didn't do as much studying as a could have done. I used the same techniques I always use and it obviously didn't work. I'm a procrastinator & a crammer. also, I just don't feel motivated to study. I hate school!
I've suffered from clinical depression and anxiety since 12. I'm on meds & I just found out I'm borderline anemic. I also have irregular periods and started birth control which has been helping=) I hate my major but don't want to change it now. I left my church last semester b/c I hated it. I grew up there & used to be really involved but I got tired of being rejected all the time. I don't have any friends except for my mother. She's awesome=) I recently had to let go of the only couple friends I had b/c I finally came to terms with the fact that they don't care about me. I'm very bitter. I'm mad at the world b/c things seem so backwards here. My chest burns constantly. I have acid reflux & IBS. I'm going to therapy but it's taking waaaay too long to reach a break through but I think we're getting there. We're working on my obsession with my ex-church. I think about them all the time, look them up on the internet,etc. I also think about the reverend and his wife having sex..wierd I know. I also think about their time with their kids. I grew up w/o a father & I want him to care for me. But he doesn't and it hurts soooo badly. I don't feel like I can live w/o him.Health Question & Answer

Wow, you are stressed. You say you are on meds. I think maybe you should talk with your therapist about a change in medication. You are having signs of OCD or just a strong obsession with your ex church. I kind of went through the same thing many years ago. You are getting a college education, which is huge, and you made it to your 4th year, which is huge. You should be proud and feel lucky. I hope you are close to some kind of breakthrough so can get through your anger issues. It does not sound like you know why you are angry. You just are. That is something you need to work out, so stick with the therapy, and be totally honest when you are talking with him/her
Best of luck.Health Question & Answer

I know exactly what you're going through right now. A lot of the things that are going on with you are going on with me, too. It can be overwhelming at times. Changing a major is something that college students do, especially when they are not sure or are still trying to find their ideal identity and life. You could talk to a school counselor and set up a "To Do" list and organizational planner to make it easier on yourself. also, a balanced meal three to five times a day should sort out the anemia. Social support WILL help with the stressful moments you may face. Its good that you have a great relationship with your mother, but at least make one good friend who will listen and genuinely share experiences with you. Hopefully, if this happens, you'll be and feel better. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Although you are obsessed about your former church, more than likely they have simply continued on with their lives wondering what happened to you, but havent been in touch because they think you are no longer interested in the church.
I dont think that the reverend, his wife and children are what you are craving as much as a normal family upbringing. However it is no ones responsibility to act as your father would have and you will need to address this in counselling as you dont want to bring this into any future relationship you may have.
Perhaps if you volunteered at an animal shelter or someplace where there is need for a little hands on help, that might get you interested in other things again. also you may wish to take on a part-time job so you have some solid work experience behind you for when you do go looking for a job when your course is completed.Health Question & Answer

STRESS! College is causing you to stress out. Stress is reposinsible for everything. Stress can cause you to become depressive, obsessive, and be the main contributor to your physical problems as well. I think you know deep down that you have an obsession with your pastor because you grew up without a father. And it is always hard to let something go if it was a big part of your life, and that includes your church.

This is going to be the worst advice anyone has EVERY given to you....but you need to take a break from college. I know it is your fourth year and you are probably getting ready to graduate, but you don't like you major, you probably wont do anything with it anyways, your stress level is causing you to have mental like symptoms, as well as physical symptoms. All this is going to continue and get worse if you continue with this stressful course in your life.

If you feel you can continue with college and get by...go for it. But that last thing you want to happen is getting so upset about eveything, you could lapse in a major depressive state and those are hard to get out of.

Good luck.Health Question & Answer

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