I have problems sleeping at night, what can I do to get a better nights sleep? ?!

Question: I have problems sleeping at night, what can I do to get a better nights sleep.? .?
I have a horrible tendency to lay there and daydream, and get lost in my daydreams and not get to sleep. On top of that, I have problems falling asleep as it is.

Any non-addicting sleep medications.?
herbal remedies.?
types of food.?
Any tricks or things I can try, things I can do.?

Health Question & Answer

Melatonin... helps you get tired.
Chamomile (sp.?) tea.
No caffiene products 2 hours before bed time. lower sugar intake
make sure it's dark.
make sure your thermostat is at a comfortable level
get into a routine. Aim for 8 hours of sleep.
No tv or radio in the background that will stimulate your brain. something that generates "white noise"

Health Question & Answer

The absolute best way to ensure you get some sleep is very simple but people find it hard to do. First you have to eat well - lay off the junk and definitely no caffeine after 2pm. also you need to do things that make your body tired - exercise, running errands or whatever to keep yourself busy during the day. Then, the kicker, you need to go to bed at the same time every night but also get up at the same time every morning. If you get yourself into a routine then you will be able to sleep. The key is getting up every morning at the same time, obviously on the early side - say no later than 7 am - no matter what you did the night before. Health Question & Answer

Are you over 21.? If so, try drinking a glass of wine or even 1 beer before you hit the hay. The alcohol will relax you...don't over do it though. Alcohol can go from a depressant to a stimulant and you'll end up partying all night long if your not careful. Then your left feeling more tired the next day along with a head ache, huge bar bill and some stranger who DID fall asleep in your bed and won't wake up to go home.

Under 21.? Warm milk....yukky but works.Health Question & Answer

usually when i can't sleep its because i am hungry. it seems that when i eat something the blood leaves my brain and goes down to my stomach to digest the food and I can then sleep. I usually have a cup of yogurt when i feel hungry and can't sleep.Health Question & Answer

do not use med.
1.work out
2.dont drink alcohol at night
3.take a warm bath
4.sleep in the same time everynight
5.do not use cafee and tea
6.drink yugert
7.do not leave your bed during midnight ,if you can't sleepHealth Question & Answer

u could try taking a shower and relaxingHealth Question & Answer

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