Please help, i know this was wrong but..?!

Question: Please help, i know this was wrong but...?
I have stopped taking my anti depressants. I know you should come off them gradually but i have had enough of everything. I don't feel like i am getting the help i need and i thought these tablets were making me worse but now i am everywhere. I was already suicidal but now its really bad. I feel like i cant cope with anything not even work but i am scared i will lose my job as i have already been signed off twice in the last two months(for having a breakdown). When i was signed off i always asked to go back earlier and the doctor agreed but now i wish i had taken the full amount of time and got the proper help as i really feel things are not worth it anymore. I am seeing a mental health nurse but i rang her and cancelled appointments but she hasn't contacted me so guessing she doesn't care. What can i do.? I really do not feel i can go on anymoreHealth Question & Answer

Why did you cancel your appointments with the mental health nurse.? Whatever the reason, don't see her not ringing back as her not caring. With doctors, nurses and the like you really can't wait for them to come to you because they are so over stretched and under funded. Your gonna have to give her a ring and get an appointment, as much as you don't want to.
You know it was a bad idea to go back to work early, and to quit the tablets early, and thats a good thing you know that, because it means you can go about getting back on track with them.
I know what its like to worry about losing your job because your taking time off, but think like this - if you really want to keep a job, you need to be (a) happy enough in yourself to give it your all and (b) do as the doctor says and get back on track do your bosses feel you've recovered enough for them to keep you.
Your right, you cant go on like this anymore, and you've done the first bit, you've realised this, so now its time to help yourself - and make sure you get all the medical help out there, because as pointless as it can sometimes seem, it really does seem to work (even if its just to give you the final push to be given the all clear so you dont have to deal with doctors anymore).
Good luckHealth Question & Answer

get back in touch with your doctor and your nurse. Maybe you just werent on the right antidepressants for you, it takes a while for the right dose and the right type of medicine to be found for a person. when you talk to your doctor tell him/her that the last antidepressants didnt work for you, and you will be prescribed different ones, its basically a bit of trial and error. Just keep strong and good luck. best wishesHealth Question & Answer

I don't know who you are, but you sound in a desperate state, i can't really offer you help on Yahoo, i'd like to talk to you personally and see if I can help. I have never been in this state before, but I know people who have. If you want to talk to me, I'll give you help on MSN :) Don't do anything radical. Please Question & Answer

You need to take your meds...bottom line.
If you don't like the side effects get something else.
As for your doctor it's not that she doesnt care its probably that since you cancelled your appointment she is waiting for you to call her!Health Question & Answer

Call your doctor now! You are tiring to do this on your own! You cant! Its ok to make mistakes! Tell you doctor everything about your meds. and your feelings! Your job wont fire you! They cant! You could sew them! Call now!Health Question & Answer

go to your doctor and start taking the anti-depressants again. you were given them for a reason. in the long term you will feel better if you take them.Health Question & Answer

idf i could help u i would please talk to dan!

Please dont do something silly hun, everything will work out in the end you just have to believe that u will find happiness and get better


Much love xHealth Question & Answer

girl you need to start caring about yourself before anybody else can. talk to your doctor and explain to him/her the problem with the medication and see what he/she says. Health Question & Answer

meditateHealth Question & Answer

So take your meds and keep appointments, it is not rocket science.Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you need to find a new doctor. If you feel that they aren't helping you and that they don't care, find a doctor that does make you feel like they care.
No matter how you feel, don't ever stop taking your meds without a doctor's order. I took myself off of my depression medication and I had the same problems you are having now. I'm still dealing with a lot of the problems, but I know getting off the meds made everything worse.
The only thing I know to do is keep waking up every day and no matter how much you don't want to, keep yourself going, even if it's only watching tv or do like I did/do, sleep a lot.
I know it's hard to believe, but there are people around you that care what happens to you. I didn't kill myself because I knew it would hurt the people around me. I think that's the only thing that keeps me going.
I hope this helps some.Health Question & Answer

I know that it can be very upsetting when you are depressed. Your doctor or mental health nurse has obviously prescribed the anti-depressants for a reason, because they know that you are suffering from depression. The suggestions that I have for you are the following:

1) Reschedule appointments with your mental health nurse.
2) If you are suicidal call your local crisis line and talk with them about your feelings.
3) Keep a journal about your feels and episodes that you have had.
4) Find a support group for people that have depression. you're not alone in this problem.
5) Get your doctor and/or mental health nurse to represcribe the medication for you.

If you would like to talk, my msn contact is and I would be happy to talk with you.
Hope that this advice helps.Health Question & Answer

Its sounds like you want this help but you find yourself in a difficult position of getting it. Yes, it was a bad idea to come off anti depressants so quickly, and yes if you can avoid taking them then be strong and do it. Mental health nurse is always there for you, you might have that impression that she doesnt help, but what you need is get things out of your system, go back, get that help, she will listen to you, scream if you need to-just let this out. And there is always an option of getting another councelor. They will not tell you what you have to do, in time they will lead you in the right direction without you realising it, you will start feeling much better. It will take time, but it will work out, have that self believe. Take one day at the time. Do not let your work to be an obstacle for you-depression is like a disease-its need to be treated-and your boss doesnt have a right to sack you. You need help and i wish you all the best and be strong. You are not alone!!Health Question & Answer

listen, I was there myself, I was depressed for 6 months. I like you took my antidepressant and then stopped them at ones. Which was really bad. I was signed off, for 2 months, almost loosing my job, I couldn't bear the light anymore, I was sleeping most of the time, feeling so down and useless. I cut any contact with my family and friends. I was in a big mess. GPs and therapist are not of a big help. I was really crying for help. Thankfully, I went back to my GP and changed the antidepressant type, and after 2 weeks, I started to live again, I went back to work and seeing that people around me cared about me, made feel good about myself.
So please, go back to see your GP and explain to him or her, that you want to change your antidepressant coz the other one is not working on you. and don't stop, get your family and friends around you, go out have some good time, party. You are not telling us your age and your situation, but I found out that life is too short and that the time that passes by, is not coming back, its best to make the most of it.

Good Luck,Health Question & Answer

i had taken these anti-depressant tablets for a long time and stopped suddenly taking them - seroxat. i felt really really sick in the first 10 days and went to see the dr for help but they said to keep taking the tablets.
i said to myself that ive had enough and no man in a white coat in some lab has all the answers and can make a chemical tablet that is greater than nature itself. i felt like hell and nearly 1 month on i still feel bad, but not as sick as i felt at first.
these tablets are dangerous. they dont even know what effect they have on people long term - or if they no, they sure are not telling us. i dont ever want to take these again, no matter how bad i feel cause these are just drugs - so long as i take them i am no better than a common junkie or alcoholic.
what you need is time to recover. first of, i dont think you can get off these tablets cold turkey if you work everyday. i did cold turkey cause i was not and am not working at the moment. if you go cold turkey, you will prolly need at least 6 weeks off work and you will definately be laid up in bed for a week or so.
you might do better by reducing the dose under your doctor supervision gradulay.
the nurses and them lot only care about getting paid. but i care about you as a another human and you need to LOOK AFTER YOURSELF ... its hard when you are depressed, but i can only say the best thing is to spend time alone - sleep if you have to, but definately get a medical note and sign off work cause your health is more important in the long run you will get another job if your boss fires you. and if they do they are a bunch of ****** arseholes and you deserve a better boss.
thats all i can advise you. but you should get help if you need it.
i hope you feel better soonHealth Question & Answer

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